Cadaver (CDR) ------------- NOR> Baffle (Dag Stensland, sysop 'BUMBLE BEE LAND', 08/94), Black Tornado (sysop 'GREENHOUSE', 04-09/93), Dr.Backup (swap, ex Dark Cloud [no entry]), Dr.Bully (music, ex Majic 12, 04/93), Dr.Randy (Per Einar Forberg, swap, ex Tech), Frode (gfx, 02/94), Gator (code, 04/93), Jean (swap, old handle Calvin, ex Comix [no entry]), John Coven (Jørn Skjefstadmoen, old handle Covenant, swap, late95), Martin Myhre (Martin G.Myhre, sysop 'MADHOUSE ENTERPRISE', 04/93), Morgoth (code, 04/93), Mr.T (sysop 'THE CRYPT', 04/93), Pathseeker (sysop 'DARK SECRET' WHQ, 04/93), Punisher (swap), Splat! (gfx, re-Acme, old handle Splatter, 04/93-02/94), Stratego (sysop 'HARDCORE HEAVEN', 04/93), Tyrant (Lasse Stangeland, org swap edit, 92-04/93). DEN> Cytron (music, later Depth, new 12/94). SWE> Amon (Robert Falk, also in Mystic), Chimera (Peter Swanqvist, swap). BRA> Bauer (swap, 04/93). FIN> Overlord (gfx, 03/94). ???> Crowley (trade, board closed ROM3), Cyberpunch (sysop 'HIT'N'RUN', busted 04/93), Eagle (code, 04/93), Foxy (gfx, 04/93), Joram (nor? code, 04/93-02/94), Noise Data (sysop 'DIGITAL CITY', 04/93), Skynet, Trouble (sysop 'STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN', 04/93), Uzi (slave, 04/93), Vin (music, 07/93). Cadaver was a demo group based in Norway. Most active around 1993, the group is now dead. Norwegian mainorganizer Thamuz (Helge Norvang, old handle Trauma, 04/93) left the scene. Thamuz was one of two editors of the Cadaver diskmag 'Aggression', and also one of two organizers. Norwegian coder Slummy joined Spaceballs. Norwegian graphician and swapper Snuffy joined Scoopex. Norwegians Nirvana (gfx, 04/93-02/94) and Ludde (code) joined Grotesticle. Norwegian musician Jaw (Anders Ormehaug, old handle Elipsion) left to pursue a professional music career. He has left the scene. Norwegian sysop Decker ('HACK'N'HARD', ex Mirror [no entry], 04/93) joined Spacemarines. Razorblade joined Mad Elks. Mr.Fire, sysop 'REALISATION CENTER' was kicked. Splatter left to form Acme Project, but later rejoined as Splat!. Duke, Birdeye and Li Chien got kicked 94. Concept, DroopyD, N-Gin (nor music, ex Triax), Necro, Overload (07/93- 02/94), Powermad and Scaremonger got kicked. The Finnish division released an intro that the world HQ felt didn't live up to their standards, so as a result the Finnish section got kicked out. These were: Bit (PC Code), Dectech (PC Trade), Maniac, PetShopBoy (Mikko Virtanen, ex Diffusion, later The Hooligan/Fanatic), Safe, Seven (PC Code), Slayer and Slipper (code, ex Diffusion). · Aggression issue #1 (1993 or 94 :), ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: Gator, gfx: Foxy (panel), music: Dr.Bully, editors: Trauma, Tyrant. Symbiostro (1993, .07, ECS Intro). code: Joram, gfx: Overload, $platter, music: Vin. 2nd in the Rendezvous 93 intro competition. Marianne Myhrer - The Slideshow (1994, 26.02, ECS Slideshow). code: Joram, gfx: Nirvana, $platter, Overload, Frode, music: Anders Ormehaug, Jaw. info: This slideshow - of a girl Morgoth was in love with - got him in a whole heap of trouble... It all ended with her finding out about the slideshow, and suing Morgoth, on the grounds of a hidden part where you could view a manipulated picture of the girl, with her head and someone else's naked body... · Restricted (1994, 13.03, ECS Intro). code: Slipper, gfx: Overlord, music: Petshopboy. review: This intro is the finnish section's first production, and it's actually quite ok. It's a very standard design, with logo on top, vector cube moving in the middle and scroller at the bottom. But the logo is actually pretty good, and the design is quite adequate, so... This is by no means a great production - there are a million of these - but it's certainly not the worst of its kind. The music is chippy. Even with KillAGA, there are some graphical errors. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA! Testiclo (1994, 03.04, Intro). 9th in The Gathering 94 intro competition. Caffeine -------- ???> Rascal (code keyfilemakers, later Hellfire, 95). Calibra (1992-) --------------- FIN> Bearer (93), Dr.Header, Flashburn (93), Fresh-Kid Ice (93), Masque (Jari Laine, gfx swap, ex Addicts, new mid 93), Rastaman (Timo Laulainen, 93), Ripper, Tokela, Tonic (ex Krafted, new mid 93), Zedi (Mikko Ilkko, swap pack). Calibra was a Finnish demo group formed by previous members of Dictators, Reflectors SF, X-Men and Success SF. They once released a roulette game, as well as a dentro and some intros. Netrunner joined Chrome. Moonshine joined Stellar. Finnish Yolk joined Addicts. Finnish swapper Velsa (ex Interactive) got kicked. He joined Alpha Flight in the middle of 1993. Calypso ------- Calypso are dead. All remaining members joined Cyberdreams late 93. Camel Corporation (1993-). -------------------------- Camel Corporation was a Danish two-man crew formed by ICronite (Anders Mikkelsen, code) and Milkshake (Kent S. Jensen, gfx) in february 93 after they left Anarchy. As far as I know, "Camel Lights 2112" (93) is the only thing they ever released. Camel Lights 2112 (1993, .02?, ECS Multifile). Cannabis -------- NOR> Woober (Gøran Myrland, mainorg crack music sysop 'ETERNITY'). GER> Cannibal (org sysop 'EXTREME TERROR'). SWE> Kid Curry (org sysop 'PET SEMATARY'). DEN> Flozzy (org sysop 'BATTLE FIELD'). FIN> Speed Freak (org sysop 'THE MAZE'). HOL> Sal-One (sysop 'BOONDOCKS' EHQ). ???> Apollo (sysop 'RIOT HOUSE'), Brem (gfx), Nino (trade), Randall (code), Wraith (trade), Zanok (trade). Boards; RIOT HOUSE. Cannabis was started and is lead by Woober. 1996 - Late in the year Jahmaal left, Lucifer sold his machine, and Nop, Beavis and Filur got kicked. Candle (CDL) ------------ ???> Aeroba (code gfx, 94-11/96), Angel (code music, 94-11/96), Cloud (music, 94-11/96), Lord Bizzare (music, 94). · Slurry (1994, File). code^gfx: Aeroba, music: Lord Bizzare. Released for the Compusphere 3 demo competition. review: Sorry, we do not review AMOS demos here. Please learn to code. And while you're at it, learn to draw and compose music as well. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Terror (1996, 26.05, AGA 4MB Multifile). code^gfx: Aeroba, music: Cloud. review: Sorry, we do not review AMOS demos here. Terribly unstable, it crashed my machine twice in different places. What I'd seen wasn't good enough to make me attempt at third time. Supposed to have been released for the Icing 96 demo competition, but time ran out. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Kreijsi (1996, 19.11, AGA File). code: Angel, gfx: Angel, Aeroba, music: Angel. Released for the Compusphere 7 demo competition. review: The biggest problem about this demo, I guess, is quality control. Someone should have sat down with these presumably 14-year-olds and told them to go home and practice some more before submitting this to the public. The graphics are embarassing, the coding has goddamned after burned line vectors as the main attraction, and the music...sort of follows the style of the rest of the demo. The demo is mostly built on supposed humour segments, where by far the best is the tiled face that slides into place, only to have it's eyes flying around in its head, looking at small female breasts. The duck stuff is almost as embarassing as the graphics, though... This demo works on an unexpanded A1200...though this reviewer wishes it hadn't! Back to the drawing board, Candle. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Elvis the Elvisp (1996, 19.11, AGA Intro). code/gfx: Aeroba, music: Cloud. Released for the Compusphere 7 fast intro competition. Capsule (CSL) ------------- SPA> Barman (music swap, 10/95-03/97), Dior (code), Dr.Slump (code), Evelred (Mateo Pascual, music, 10/95-01/98), Goreboy (music), Keved (code), Kustom (Ruben Alcanyiz, code, 10/95-07/97), Magnum (gfx, 10/95), Oops! (code, 06/97), Peskanov (code, 06/97), Sativa (raytrace), Vader (code). ???> Creatoor (gfx, 10/95), Dixie (spa? gfx, 10/95), Judas (spa? gfx, 07/97), Nexus (gfx, 10/95), Pink (music, 07/97), Zaac (spa? gfx, 07/97). Capsule are one of the oldest and most well respected Spanish teams. Spanish coder Darklord (10/95) is probably deceased, since "Quicktro" [06/97] is dedicated to his memory. 1997 - Spanish coder Flynn left late 97. 2000 - Spanish musician Estrayk (Carlos Del Alamo, doublememb Nah-Kolor, 06/97-) left the amiga scene for good early in the year, in favour of the growing scene on the Playstation. Estrayk used to be one of the organizers of the group. · Career (1995, 14.10, AGA 64k Intro). code: Kustom, gfx: Magnum, Dixie (end anim), music: Evelred. Winner of the Euskal Party 3 64k intro competition! review: Nothing very outstanding about this intro; graphics and design are ok, music's listenable... The most advanced effect, I guess, is the burning ring. Nicest moment: Being kicked in the face towards the end. Not bad; not too memorable either. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Short (1995, 14.10, AGA 1MB File). code: Darklord, gfx: Creator, Nexus (capsule logo), music: Goreboy/N3. 3rd in the Euskal Party 3 demo competition. review: Short is certainly an appropriate name! It's short and not particularly sweet. The best effect has to be the zoom-rotator, which looks good, but unusual. Cheating, people? Music is the usual frantic techno. It's been done to death, and much better than this. If you're tired of traditional music, try out Impulse's "Voyage In Storm"! And by the way, that ripple effect on the endscroller is bugged!! 030-50 recommended. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Assault! (1996, AGA File). code: Kustom, gfx: ZooN/Silicon (animbackground), music: Evelred (The Player 6.1A format). review: Assault is a very SMOOTH demo, with most routines flowing by like water through my fingers... It opens with a fast but undetailed flight over a voxelspace landscape. It continues with some all-too-familiar afterburned objects...see if any of these ring a bell: duck, torus, face? The best routine in the demo, perhaps, is a colorful tunnel that we blast through at a moderate pace at first, only to speed up considerably as the music changes its mood. Nicely done. Assault does have a certain sense of style, perhaps most evident during the stretching meteorstorm credits part and the intro with the text that appears in time to the soundtrack. To conclude, I guess I like this a little. If they could get a decent graphician in, and consider trying out some new objects they could very well make a killer demo sometime soon :) The music's not anything special, though. I do know that Evelred has won several music competitions, so there's bound to be a few good tunes in him! Please note that the version tested was an '040 fixed' version released to AmiNet 02/97. The demo makes use of Ludde/Encore's c2p routine. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. First (1996, 28.07, Demo). 4th in the Euskal Party IV demo competition. Changing (1997, 30.03, 40k Intro). 3rd in the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition. · Quicktro (1997, .06, AGA File). code: Peskanov, gfx: Estrayk (textures), Oops! (textures, objects), Peskanov (objects), music: Evelred (The Player 6.1A format). review: Capsule surprise us here with some pretty fucking amazing 3D! Prior to seeing this, I'd never heard of Peskanov - rest assured that from now on I'm VERY aware of this guy! Quicktro consists of scenes and objects, much like many other recent demos, but the superior amount of color and detail set this three notches above anything that came before it. The main routines here are in HAM6 1x1, with the final toruses in HAM8 1x1. Needless to say, it looks pretty f... amazing. It's hard to speak about this demo without using some 'colorful' language; it's the only way to do it justice! Just wait till you see that galleon... If this is Peskanov's idea of a quick production, then I'm gonna be doing what the figure in the first scene is doing once he releases a full demo! Quicktro obviously needs a faster machine than mine to really shine, but the 3D already knocks the socks off almost everything else even on my machine. The music by Evelred is perfect for this production; powerful but minimalist. There ought to be a law against making demos that are THIS good - it makes all the other ones look like fools! Dedicated to the memory of Darklord. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Trailway (1997, 26.07, AGA HD Demo). code: Kustom, gfx: Zaac (pictures), Judas (pictures, textures), music: Pink (The Player 6.1A format). 2nd in the Euskal Party 97 demo competition. review: Oooh yes! They claim this is an 'unfinished demo' in their accompanying text file, and it does end rather abruptly... But what is here is actually enough to qualify this as one of the best demos of the year! The best thing about "Trailway" is its speed - everything runs fast and smooth, no matter what effects are onscreen! The whole show opens with a nice Capsule logo, then some credits appear. These zoom from 'behind' the screen and into it, and it looks very very cool =) Next is a fullscreen Trailway title picture by Judas. Then a circuitboard texture is mapped on a ball which bounces's hard to describe, but download and be enlightened! :) Then some text appears, 'backlit' with flying blue particles, saying 'are you prepared for demo ART?' Next is what appears to be two snow crystal objects, then the most awesome effect in the demo: An animated envmapped face tries to break out through a box, twisting this way and that in an effect that looks just stunning - a true showstopper! Next is a fast texturemapped cityscape, followed by a cyber- woman fullscreen picture by Judas...then the cityscape routine reappears, only this time with a MUCH large scene - seemingly without losing ANY speed! It's just so amazingly smooth... Then we see Zaac's first contribution, a fullscreen picture of a screaming naked woman with the british flag in the background...and then nothing, the demo just ends. No information available on memory requirement, but we'll hazard a guess at somewhere in the region of 4MB. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. The Last Inline (1998, 25.07, Demo). 2nd in the Euskal Party 98 demo competition. Carillon -------- Carillon was formed by Dweezil and Heatbeat after Heatbeat was kicked from the finnish section of Rebels. After releasing two demos in 1992, they merged with Cyberiad to create one of the best ever Finnish teams; Carillon and Cyberiad Institutes (CNCD). At least Heatbeat (music), Destop (gfx), WDO (code) and Major Tom (music, ex Anarchy) came along to the new group. Despite rumours, Golem (ex Anarchy) never joined DCS, and this was likely the last group the Finnish graphician was a member of. Finnish musician and graphician Dean (12/92) joined Damones. Finnish members Wraith and Major Tom (music) left the scene 09/92. Didn't Major Tom move on to CNCD? Finnish coder and cofounder Dweezil is no longer a member. He can be found in Stellar sometime later. Finnish Bloodstone was kicked, and therefore joined Scoopex 11/91. Love & Anarchy (1992, ECS Trackmo). code: WDO, gfx: Destop, music: Heatbeat. The Return of the Son of the Monster Magnet (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: WDO, gfx: Destop, music: Maza/Rebels. 10th in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Carnage ------- ENG> Amida (code raytrace trade), Cage (sysop), Eon (org trade), Iceman (code), Kei (org code gfx ascii edit), Kenco (raytrace trade), Mayhem (code gfx), Ruiner (code trade), Spin (code), Thrust (music), Zebedee (code trade). Boards; REMOTE CONTROL (eng), THE ORACLE (eng). 1992 - Swedish musician D-Zire joined The Silents ca 04/92. 1996 - Sykotik joined Steps of Change 04/96. 1997 - English musician Wookie moved to the pc division late 97. English graphician Hip was kicked late 97 due to inactivity. Musician Gin joined Dual Crew. Cartel (-1990) -------------- NOR> Achmed, Antichrist, Arny, FZ, Ozzy, Pab, Randy, Rockie, The Jack, Varmint. The entire group merged into PMC, and are now a part of that group! They also released a demo to announce the merging, see PMC for details. Some of the people this concerns is a.o. Lord Helmet (ex Heatseekers), Zapper and Ramjet. Cascade ------- SWE> Astaroth (code), Chainsaw, Lester, Mastermind. N-L> Jeffrey, The President. DEN> Whee (L. Legaard, code, 90). ???> Gellerman (new late90). The Danish section, with Whee as the only member, does not exist anymore. They kicked Whee!, but for some reason he didn't get the message and continued to release Cascade productions for some time, much to the annoyance of the Swedish members! Please note that Cascade has nothing to do with the similarly named PC demo crew Cascada. Swedish coder Phazor got kicked, and left the scene. Swedish musician and swapper Skimmer left the scene 09/92. Swedes M:ET (ex Rebels), Nick (ex Warfalcons) and Zaxxan (re)joined Rebels. Transmit 035 (File). Cracklight (1988, 03.10, ECS Intro). Released at the Double Density Crew, Level4, The Supervisors Copy Party. · Intro (1990, late, ECS Intro). code/gfx: Whee, music: Martin Larsson. review: I like this! The tune and the visuals make for a nice atmosphere over the whole, wavy, nice... Whee mentions an upcoming vacation trip on 20.12-90, so it's bound to be from sometime before that. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Rising (1990, .09, ECS File). · Elektrica (ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk). code: Astaroth, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. review: This musicdisk opens with some VERY cool opening logos, before settling on the basic but unexciting main screen. You can listen to the opening tune, or press the right mouse button to bring up a selector. Text in the scroller reveals that RISING was their last release, and that some time has passed since then. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Cache off. Case ---- Musician Protas joined Freezers late 97. Casyopea -------- ???> Cooder (music), Dr.Sky (code), Greg (code swap), Lordwader (mainswap). Noise joined Old Bulls 06/96. Hades joined Deep 06/96). Musician Bartesek joined Mystic late95. Catastrophy ----------- ???> Quaid (ex Grace, new early92), Yama (ex Grace, new early92). Nanodemo (Demo). info: Made by the dutch division. Cavaleers --------- GER> Risk (John Walter, swap music). ???> Hardy (code music), Toaster (gfx raytrace). Cave (1989-) ------------ FIN> Dr.Feelgood, Ercwulff, Fang, Jupe, Lancer (gfx, 92), Mr.Spiv (Jouni Korhonen, code, 90-92), Old Fart, Stinger (import, 04/90). DEN> Anxious, Infinity, Logic, Magic, Proxt (Lars Svenningsen, code gfx swap, 11/89), Rare, Thunderboy, Tronic, Wombat. GER> Mimsamil. ITA> Yado. USA> Elf-Co (sysop 'ECHO A CALL ON' WHQ). ???> Melis (music, 09/91), Synadex. Cave is a finnish demo group, born after the group Panzerfaust changed their name in the later part of 1989. 1991 - Phalcon joined Aero. In the middle of the year, the following were kicked: Flyxer (fin), Napalm (fin), Curunir (fin), Orion (fin), Phalion (den), Airborne (ger), Dr.Fate (ger), Lemmy (ger) and Newark (ger). Finnish swapper Eku (Vesa Ekholm) left the scene mid 91. Rare left to form a new group mid 91. Anyone know WHAT group? Dope joined Legend. Finns Fix, Hot and Perfect joined Coral. La'Weird (ECS File). Celium (1991, 22.02, ECS File). Revenge of Bob (1992, early, ECS Intro). code: Mr.Spiv, gfx: Lancer, music: Double Trouble. Celestial --------- Finnish coder Hook left for Genocide late 92. Celtic ------ GER> Avalon (code swap, ex Avoid, new 06-10/90), Buckaroo (gfx, 10/90), Conan (org swap, 10/90), Crown (code, 01-10/90), Merlin (swap, 10/90), Mr.L (code music, 10/90), Noise (music, 10/90), Slayer (swap, 10/90), Xaik (gfx, 10/90). NOR> Dr.M (swap, ex New Wave). FIN> Pixie (gfx, ex Wizzcat). ???> 16Beat music, new ca 10/90). Celtic were originally a german group, who later took in some foreign members. They were also behind the utility "Demo-Maker V1.1" in 1989, possibly the first program of its kind on the amiga? ;) 1990 - Celtic grew stronger around june, when they entered into a cooperation with Avoid, still under the name Celtic. They also kicked out Slimer, Red Hawk and their german subgroup Highlander (4 spreaders). Bomber and Pinhead from Highlander joined Amaze, while Koto and Guru from Highlander joined Mindkillers. A new musician, 16Beat, was recruited around october. Plasmatronic (ECS File). Soundrevolution #5 (ECS Musicdisk). Demo (1989, 04.09, ECS File). Rip-Demo (1989, 04.09, ECS File). Celtic Frost ------------ Finnish Masque joined Addicts. Centolos (1994-) ---------------- SPA> Humphrey (gfx, ex Necropolis, new early96-97), Barman (swapper, doublememb Capsule), Derethor (org code, ex Sepultura, 12/94-97), Wavemaker (music, new early96-early98). GER> D-Orb (trader, left 96) Centolos is a Spanish demo group, formed for fun in 1994 by various members of other groups that had just died. In 1997 the group merged with Dosis to create the group Centosis - and simultaneously moved the entire group to the pc platform. They are well respected in the pc scene today, mainly due to their role in organizing most parties held in Spain. Thanks to former member Wavemaker (now in Trinity and Glue) for information! 1996 - Humphrey (gfx), Ravana (swap) and Sapphire (code) joined from Necropolis. Bladerunner (swap) joined early in the year. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that Specktro (gfx) was kicked and left the scene, and that Derethor is the new organizer of the group. Ravana (swap, ex Necropolis) left. McGyver (music) joined. 1998 - McGyver (music) left. Spanish coder Sapphire (ex Necropolis) left, after winning the 4k competition at Euskal two years in a row with "MD4I" [07/96] and "Asciiparty" [07/97]. 1999 - Bladerunner (swap, new 96-) left the group. The Last Intro (1994, 29.12, ECS 4k Intro) code: Derethor, gfx Agnus Young (ascii), music: none. 4th in the Euskal Amiga Party 2 demo competition. Necrofagia (1995, 22.07, ECS 64k intro) code: Derethor, gfx: Specktro, music: Barman Released as Posadas 95. Oxygene IV (1995, 14.10, ECS 4k intro) code: Sapphire, gfx: Humphrey, music: none. 2nd in the Euskal 3 4k intro competition. MD4I (1996, 28.07, ECS 4Kb musicdisk). code: Sapphire, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Winner of the Euskal IV 4k intro competition! information: The first 4Kb musicdisk ever. Asciiparty (1997, 26.07, ECS 4k intro) code: Sapphire, gfx: n/a, music: Wavemaker Winner of the Euskal 5 4k intro competition! Centura ------- HOL> Metal Gear (sysop 'SPHERICAL DREAMS', ex Skid Row), Poison (sysop 'POWER ZONE'), Wizard. SWE> Kid Curry (sysop 'MISAIGON'). GER> Outlaw, TMB (sysop). FRA> Anonym. ???> Ellesar (ex Vicious, new late92), Phantom (sysop), Quasar (ex Scorpio), Radium (ex Scorpio). Some of these names seem to reoccur below, in Cyanide... Centura is dead! Perlon joined Utopia. Mr. Nuke joined Legend. Turkish swapper Kickman joined Bronx. French swapper Cerval (ex Litany, new late93) joined Trance late93. Zed changed his handle to Gemini and joined Pleasure. Steef joined Legend. Cerberos Design --------------- HUN> Big G, Bruce, Cunc, Edison, Silkie, Tope, X7. ???> Fresh Trash (code, 10/91). Cerberos Design is a group that's not very well known. Their coder Fresh Trash coded the much used packer utility CrunchMania. Everyone excpet Bruce, Cunc, Silkie, Tope, X7, Big G and Edison got kicked. Some joined Design House, Soc.Brigade and 23 Celsius Crew. Hungarian coder Comiga (ex Soc.Brigade) left the scene. Hungarian coder Goophy joined Absolute! Jean joined Surprise! Productions. Champs, The ----------- ???> Atom, Buildex, Dr.Pablo (crack), Syntax 2001. The Champs were one of the first and greatest cracking crews! Chaos ----- ???> Cruncher (ex Acume), James (music, 93), Number 6 (code, 93), Thunderbolt (music, 93), Uri (music, 93). Number 6 released the phone hacking tool MACK (Maximum Access haCKer). Brutus was kicked. Chuck joined Submision. MDMA, Schitzo and Case joined Defekt. Tix changed his handle to Stix and joined Equinox late91. Audio Dreams (1993, early, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Thunderbolt, Uri, James. info: 10 tunes. Guru-Intro (1996, 05.04). 2nd in The Gathering 96 A500 Nostalgia demo competition. Chaos A.D. ---------- SWE> Dezecrator (Markus Merilainen, music sysop, ex X-Trade). NOR> Terminal Silence (ascii). USA> Flatline (sysop). ???> Aggressor, Hellhound, Pitcher, Prospect (old handle Zacco). Boards; 4AM CLUB. Chaos A.D. was born as a subgroup of Ram Jam. 'Chaos AD' is also the title of an album by Brazilian trash metallers Sepultura, which is probably an indication of where they got their name. Trouble was kicked. Dee, sysop 'UNDERCOVER' joined Delight. Chaos AD died, and all remaining members joined Ram Jam. Swedish musician Dose (ex D-Lite/D-29, new PRP4) joined Trance. The Norwegian division left, and some of the members joined a new group called Duplo; Digital (ex Diffusion, old handle Nurnal) and others. Chaos Bros ---------- GER> Chavez (Mark Buonfrate, swap, early98), Dr.Avalanche (Rene Kueppers, swap, early98). Chaos Cooperation (-1989) ------------------------- The entire group decided to join forces with Roadrunners in a new group called Rebels. They released their first joint production in february 89. Chaos Designs ------------- Mohawk and Death joined Acme Projects mid 93. Channel 42 ---------- DEN> Deroy (90?), Grafictive (code gfx, 07/88), Ice (gfx music, 07/88), Sionic (90?), Slim (90?). Is Sionic the graphics ace that later worked in The Silents? Technique (1988, 11.07, ECS File). Code: Grafictive, Ice, Gfx: Grafictive, Music: Ice. Chilblains [new] ---------------- ???> Brain (ex Unlimited), Gold Dragon (swap, ex Unlimited). Chilblains was rebuilt by The Brain/Unlimited. Chip Lords (1992-) ------------------ NOR> CS800 (gfx), Shrike (code), Weejay (music). Chip Lords is a new group. Chrome (CRM) ------------ FIN> Bongo (swap, late90), Butcher (93), Chaosis (code, 08/93), Coma (old handle Chaos... Chaosis?, 08/93), DJ Joge (music, 08/93), Equalizer (swap, 08/93), Hacksaw (93), Maniac (swap, ex Falcons, new 09/92- 08/93), Multiplex (Toni Wilen, code, 08/93), Netrunner (swap, ex Calibra, 08/93), Ray (93), Shark (93), Sir Monkey (93), TC (93), Tornado (swap pack 'Stigmata', 08/93), Vulcan (swap, late90), Whizz (sysop 'KLONDYKE', 08/93). Chrome are a Finnish demo group mainly known for their "Digital Disco"'s and Multiplex' utility FileMaster. 1992 - Australian trader Heavyweight joined Addicts. Alien left the scene. Finnish swapper Royal69 restarted the legendary C64 group Wartec on the Amiga mid93. Danes Tricktrax, Subject, Blue Fox and Growl all joined Balance. Finnish Deeprunner (swap) and Morpheus (gfx, ex Stellar, new 09/92-08/96) got kicked. Anarchy Party Demo (1991, .04, ECS). Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91. Digital Disco (ECS Musicdisk). Digital Disco II (1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: DJ Joge. · Assembly 93 Intro (1993, 10.08, ECS 40k Intro). code: Multiplex, gfx: Morpheus, music: DJ Joge. 9th in the Assembly 93 40k intro competition. review: In my book this will always be the 'puzzle intro'. You see, the design is based on pieces of jigsaw puzzles, hence... OK, anyroad. There's a few effects and a few textscreens. The best is some kind of colorcycle-plasma thing and a non-textured Doom thingie. As you've probably sensed, I'm bored now so I'm off to do something FUN instead! If you want the graphics from this, just extract the IFF's from the depacked file with WRip or a similar tool. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Digital Disco 3 (1993, late, ECS Musicdisk). info: Generation 6 news said this would be released 'in January'. However, in their Assembly 93 intro they say it's gonna be out 'soon'. Chronos ------- ITA> Alphabit (sysop 'ILLUSION'), Batblaster (sysop 'MUSICAL PHARMACY'), Eniac (sysop 'IRON LAW'), Vegamaster (sysop 'LAST BIT'). USA> Oldman (sysop 'DREAMING CITY'). Boards; DARK STAR (ger, 10/91). Chronos is an Italian group, with some members in Switzerland. Swiss coder Silence joined Equinox. Chryseis (CHS) -------------- FIN> Albert (93), Goozer (trade, ex Alcatraz, new 10/93). BEL> Mr.Hyde (sysop 'BLACK CRYPT'), Skrull (sysop 'TEAM RANGERS'), Unix (David Lovera, music, 04-12/94). ???> Arpegiator (music, ex Anarchy, new late92-93), JMZ (04/94), Lazy Coder (code, 94), Mad Martigan (code, 94). Boards; TOTAL RECALL WHQ (usa, ex Paradise, new early93), DEEP THOUGHT (fin), MANIAC MANSION (bel). Lazy Coder made the file packer utility 'Chryseis Cruncher'. 3 From 1 (1993, ECS Musicdisk). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Arpegiator. info: With design stolen from the MTV music program. 80kb Intro (1994, .04, Intro). production: Unix, JMZ. Released at Low Density 94. Cinefex Design (CFX, 1990-) --------------------------- NOR> B.I.T (music, later Majic 12, 09/91), Bjelland (swap, late90), Dark Angel, Dexter (gfx, 09/91), Express (Gunnar, late90), Fallos (Sven Deuschmann, code, late90-09/91), Floppy (code, ex Wizzcat, new 09/91), Hitcher, Mr.Nobody (ex Wizzcat, new 09/91), Pushead, Slask (swap, late90), S.M.A. ???> Agent Criminal, BTS, Cyberpunk, Da Cato, Dr.Stein, Echo, Engineer, Fodder (nor? 09/91), Gekko, Great White, Icy, Imp, Latex, Mediator, Morbid, Mosher (ex Cosa Nostra), Nautic (nor? 09/91), Sorcerer, Wilpet. Cinefex was a Norwegian demo group, formed by former members of Alpha Flight. Floppy and Mr.Nobody joined from Wizzcat at the Arendal party (09/91). First Demo (1990, 15.05, ECS File). Multiplex My Brain (ECS File). . I Guess I Had To Release Something?? (1991, 29.09, ECS Intro). code: Fallos, gfx: Fallos (logo), Dexter (font), music: "Another One" by B.I.T (4ch MOD format). Released at the Arendal party. review: A slightly innovative but ultimately deadly unexciting intro. The innovative part is the logo, which has individual waving characters, overlapping each other as the logo waves...but that's about it. Deadly boring for the most part, with lousy graphics and thoroughly boring music. The sinescroll bugs even with KillAGA. . GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA. . Party Message Box (1991, 29.09, ECS Intro). code: Floppy, gfx: Dexter (logo), Floppy (font), music: "Neological" by B.I.T (4ch MOD format). Released at the Arendal party. review: This message box is a rather plasma-heavy production, with an overload of plasma-like color making its overall appearance one of 'too much'! The design is rather basic, with an unexciting Cinefex logo at the top of the screen, a scroller at the bottom, and - you've guessed it - a textplotter in the middle. It is, incidentally, this plotter that has all those plasma colors under it. . GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA! Circle (1993-1993) ------------------ Circle was a swedish demo group formed in may 1993 by Schizo (ex Noxious), Colorbird, Some1 and Prime (all ex Scoopex). The lifespan of Circle was short, however, as both Colorbird and Schizo later in the year moved on - first to join Alcatraz, then to form Illusion. Most members of Circle later wound up in Illusion, and then eventually Razor 1911. Circle members that moved on to Illusion were at least Lionheart (ex Insane), Some1 and Prime (both ex Scoopex). As a consequence, Circle died. Information in Balance's "Upstream #7" [11/93] that Some1 and Prime joined from Artech seem to be false. Finnish Sphinx (ex Styline) got kicked. Swedish graphician PGL joined Nova, but soon wound up in Illusion with most of his old groupmates. · Sometimes I Wish I Was Famous (1993, 31.05, ECS File). code: Colorbird, gfx: Butch/TSL, Tony/Alcatraz (logo), music: Some1 & Prime. 7th in The Computer Crossroads 93 demo competition. review: The first (and only?) Circle demo is a rather forgettable affair, unfortunately. There's mostly vector and dot-stuff on offer here. The tune initially sounds promising, with some nice use of speech samples and stuff, but the novelty soon wears off. Too forgettable is my judgement. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Propaganda issue #1 ECS Diskmag). info: The first and only issue released under the Circle name. Issue #2 was released under the Illusion label, issues #3 and #4 under Razor 1911. Circle of Power (-1990) ----------------------- Circus of Power died late 1990, when all members decided to close the group and instead join Abakus - thus creating theat group's Norwegian division. Cirion ------ FIN> Asa (code gfx, 08/96-04/98), Mindeye (Seppo Sinkkonen, gfx, 08-11/96), Viggin (raytrace, 08-11/96). ???> Turbo'boo (fin? music, 09/96). Hope (1995, 12.08, 40k Intro). 12th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition. · Showstopper (1996, 18.08, AGA HD Multifile). code: Asa, gfx: Mindeye, Viggin (raytrace), music: Carebear/Orange (The Player 6.1A format). 8th in The Assembly 96 demo competition. review: A little bland, this. There's the usual envmapping, but nothing to excite me or make me say 'that's original'. In a few short words, it's same shit, new (and not necessarily better) wrapping. The only effect I really liked in this demo is the one with the angray face wrapped onto the sphere. The face twists and waves in various ways. That was ok. There are three raytraced logos and a fullscreen picture. The picture, "Adam Finds Eva" by Mindeye also competed in the graphics competition, where it was unplaced. It says nowhere whether it needs fastmem or not. The system during the endscreen upscroller is weird...Left mousebutton has no effect, while right exits. Weird... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Hope 2 (1996, 28.09, AGA 64k Intro). code: ASA, gfx: none, music: Turbo'boo (The Player 6.1A format). review: Taking into consideration the tag line '3 hour production', I was positively surprised by "Hope 2". It's a small, limited production, but with some excellent core code work that shines through, and reveals some good potential beneath the surface. This is a typical 'object' intro, but given that, it's a nice colorful and pretty fat variation. My only real complaint is the rather ungraceful exit it performed on my machine, with the last note of the music beeeeeeping my ears to madness. For three hours worth of work, this is very nice. The C2P routine used was published to AmiNet (dev/asm/asac2p2.lha) 10/96, with the intro included in the archive. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fat/3.0. Naturally (1996, 23.11, AGA 8MB FPU HD Multifile). code: Asa, gfx: Mindeye, Viggin (objects, trace), music: Carebear. 4th in the Demolition 96 II demo competition. info: Seeing as I don't have a maths processor (FPU), I have not yet been able to see this demo. Is Carebear a real member, or did Orange [pc] just loan him out? He participated in the music competition at the same party under the handle Carebear/Orange and Jamm, so this seems most likely. Hope3 (1996, 23.11, 80k Intro). 6th in the Demolition 96 II 80k intro competition. Citron [hol] (1993-) -------------------- Citron was formed in late 1993 by dutch sysop THC/Justice ('MYSTIC PLACE'), but the group didn't exist long before THC moved on to legend, presumably killing the group in the process. This group has nothing to do with the Swedish group Citron. (Citron-point). Citron. [swe] (1993-) --------------------- SWE> Puh (editor), S.Duvan (Johan Alfredsson, founder code, 93-00), Slash (Johan Elm, swap, doublememb Peek [pc], new 94-08/96), Tobias Jansson (founder, gfx, doublememb Sardonyx, old handle Electron, 12/93-12/96). Citron. (note the point at the end) is a Swedish demo group, formed by S.Duvan and Electron in early 1993. In 1994, Slash joined as a double member from IFFTiC. In addition to their own diskmag Oepir Risti (which they are most known for), much of the team also helped C-Lous with their "No Sense" mag. Oepir Risti issue #1 (1994, Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Electron, music: Jogeir/independent. info: Intro is a nicely drawn logo by Chevron/The Silents. Music is by Jogeir, and is a conversion of an old c64 tune (original possibly by Laxity). It was reviewed very favourably in Propaganda #3. Oepir Risti issue #2 (1994, Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson, music: "Orthanc" by Lizardking. info: The tune 'Orthanc' by Lizardking was later used in the Razor 1911 musicdisk "Memorial Songs II" (1995). Oepir Risti issue #3 (Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Prowler/Passion (titlepicture), music: "Chip-Slayer!" by Lizardking. Oepir Risti issue #4 (1994, late, Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main, titlepicture), music: "Propaganda # 2.2" by Some1/ Razor 1911. Oepir Risti issue #5 (Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Drakemule/Exceed (titlepicture), music: "A Way To Freedom" by Lizardking. Oepir Risti issue #6 (1995, 28.12, Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Prowler/Passion (titlepicture), music: "Lost at Home" by Tip and Mantronix/Phenomena. Released at The Party 95. Oepir Risti issue #7 (Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Frame/C-Lous (titlepicture), music: "Wonder Smoke" by Tip and Mantronix/Phenomena. Oepir Risti issue #7I (1996, 25.05, Diskmag). code: S. Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main, titlepicture), music: Mittag- Leffler/Nosebleed. Released at Icing '96. Oepir Risti issue #8 (1996, 28.12, Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Tobias Jansson/Citron. and Prowler/ Passion (titlepicture), music: Mittag-Leffler/Nosebleed, editors: Puh, S.Duvan, Tobias Jansson. Released at The Party 6. Oepir Risti issue #9 (Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Prowler/Scoopex (titlepicture), music: Mittag-Leffler/Nosebleed. Oepir Risti issue #10 (Diskmag). code: S.Duvan, gfx: Tobias Jansson (main), Alvar Andersson and Prowler/ Scoopex (titlepicture), music: Mittag-Leffler/Nosebleed. Clan ---- POL> Bubba (mainorg code swap, doublememb Iris, late96), Ced (gfx), Danthalion (music), Gilo (music), Gizbern (swap), Jigit (gfx), Perry (gfx music swap), Phaser (swap), Pudding (Seba Potapinski, gfx swap, late96), Scyman (gfx music), Spirol (code), Yoyo (edit). NOR> Hurricane (Lars Selvig, org swap, doublememb Void, late 96). Classic [old] (-1991) --------------------- SWE> Dezecrator (music, later X-Trade, 12/89-90), Hoson (swap, 07/90). ENG> Scooter (ex Genesis, new late90). ITA> Mr.M (sysop 'RED & BLACK', ex Skid Row, new late90), Shark (sysop 'INFINITE DREAMS'). USA> Armitage (sysop 'THE MADHOUSE', 90), The Light (sysop 'PURGATORY'). ???> Braindead, Capricorn (new late90), Clairvoyant, Dax, Garp, Jack, Modem Boy (sysop, ex Outlaws, new WHN1), Nuke, Plug1 (code, 91), Problem Child (new late90), Rob Northern, Scan (crack train), Skywalker, Sleaze (new late90), Swapperhead, The Jazz Syndicate (supply, 90), The Skeleton. Boards; APOCALYPSE (usa, 90), PIRATE SHIPS (usa), WARHAMMER (swe), EARTHSEA (swe), THE LINE TO HEAVEN (swi), THE LIGHT BBS (eng), BURN IT UP (+33). Classic was one of the better cracking crews based in Sweden, just like Fairlight and Defjam. The leader was Stalker, and their main cracker was Ringo Starr (both later in the reborn Quartex). They died in late 1991 (most probable) or early 92. 1990 - English sysop Splatt! ('SPLATTER HOUSE' EHQ, ex Vision, 90) joined Horizon late90. Zelnik (ex Oracle old) and Prisoner of Wife (sysop whq) both joined Paradox late 90. Ringo Starr (code crack, 90) left the scene. He later returned as a member of the reborn Quartex, where I have him listed in 96 together with Stalker! German sysop Guru Josh ('TECH', ex Tristar, new 90) joined Storm (90). Dutch sysop BamBam ('DOWNTOWN', ex Oracle old, new late90-91) joined Quartex old. Frenchmen Corsair (code), Foxy and Mr.Video (gfx, all ex Angels old) joined Skid Row. German sysops TCM ('MAGICAL ZONE') and Joker ('SADO CITY', both 09/91) joined Razor 1911 old. American sysop Winter Mute ('MARTYRIUM', new late90) joined Alpha Flight. He later returned to Classic when Classic was reborn. Swedish sysop Wico ('INNER CIRCLE') joined Razor 1911 old, but left them for Scoopex a few days later. Then he joined Rebels!. Intro (1990?, ECS Intro). code: Ringo Star, gfx: n/a, music: Dezecrator. Andis Demo (1993, 05.08). 2nd place in the ECC93 demo competition. Classic [new] (CLS, 1993-) -------------------------- SWE> Rob (org modemorg trade salecard, 06/94-07/95), Ozone (sysop 'FAR OUT', ex Complex, 01/95-06/96). ENG> N.O.M.A.D (crack, 11/93). GER> Apollo (supply, 07/94-07/95). ???> Dog^Bone (supply, 11/93), Kenshiro (ex Outlaws), Rastaman (spread, new 06/95), V-Cut (new 06/95), Whoosh (trade, re 06/95). Boards; PIRATES HAVEN (usa, WHQ 07/94, 11/93-07/94), MARTYRIUM (usa, 07/94), PET SEMATARY (swe, EHQ 07/94, 11/93-07/94), TERROR DOME (swi, 11/93-07/94), CYCLONE (hol, 07/94), SCARA BRAE (ger, 07/94), ICE STATION ZEBRA (usa, WHQ 11/93), TROPICAL PLACES (eng, 11/93), WORLD DOWNFALL (ger, 11/93). Classic was reborn with some of the old members and a lot of guys from Ministry in late 1993. Whoosh was a former sysop, who later rejoined as a trader - confusion city :) 1995 - Stain is no longer a member 06/95. 1996 - American sysops Glacier and Black Ice ('ICE FLOW NORTH', 07/94) are no longer members 06/96. Classified ---------- FIN> Major Tom (Mika Keskikiikonen, code music). Major Tom is the author The Holy Noise musiceditor, used in the musicdisk of the same name. He was later (or earlier?) a member of Anarchy, then Carillon. The Holy Noise (1993, ECS Musicdisk). code/music: Major Tom, gfx: n/a. Clique ------ ???> Bloody (trade, new 06/96), Cool Shot (sysop, triplememb of Hoodlum and Virtual Dreams), Cooper (music), Detail (code trade, ex TRSI, new 04/96), Kris (gfx cosys, ex Scoopex, new 04/96), Master (code, new 06/96), Melih (code), Mit (code, new 06/96), Ravel (gfx), Remix (trade), Smile (trade, new 06/96), Sparky (code trade), XTD (music, doublememb TRSI^Mystic, new 04/96). They announced that Sonik Clique stole their name 04/96. Sonik Clique is mainly demoscene-related and Clique is mainly modem-related, but they think they were the first to use that name (04/96). Clones ------ FIN> Awkward, Brainbreaker, Gizzy (swap, 01/90), Helix, Idle, Jurkis, Ooze, Particle, Sir Arthur. AUS> Psycho. 1990 - Nikki Corruption left clones late 90. Cloned Stuff (ECS File). Securitate Party Intro (ECS File). C-Lous (CLS/C!S, 1993-) ----------------------- SWE> Claw (Jan Almqvist, gfx raytrace music, 12/95-08/97), Crazy D (Fredrik Johansson, swap), Frame (Joakim Bengtsson, gfx ascii swap editor 'No Sense', ex Medicine, doublememb Subspace ROM9, also in Peek [pc], new late94-08/97), Origo (Mattias Nilsson, code, triplememb Subspace, 08/96-08/97), Prospect (Mikael Nattfalk, code, ex Ram Jam, doublememb Subspace, later Endzeit, 04/95-08/97), Racoon (Lucas Edman, music, doublememb Darkage 02/98, new late97-02/98), Scout (Mikael Kalms, code, doublememb Artwork late96 and Appendix 07/97, 08/96-08/97), Zent (Fredrik Johansson). GER> Case78 (ascii swap, triplememb Scoopex [details] and Head!, 96). ???> Devotion (swe? code, new 97-08/97), Reverend D (swe? sysop), TMK (gfx, 08/97). C-Lous has grown from a relatively small group to a group of international proportions! Their coders are their best asset, and solid names like Origo, Prospect and Scout are not to be taken lightly... Origo was a member of Medicine for a few months before rejoining. Crazy D and Zent have the same real name.... 1993 - The group was born, and their first demo was released at the MCS party [07/93]. Swedish musician duo Some1 and Morrow (08/96) left to join Rebels 08/97, after making music for one of their recent demos. Swedish graphician and swapper Pozz (Patrik Johansson, 12/95-09/96) decided to leave the scene. Swedes Mega (music), Mr.Mygg (music, 12/95), Stardust (gfx, 11/95) and TmX (gfx, 04/96) all left to form a new group called Dole. Scout took a little break from coding after being busy for some time converting the "Oepir Risti" diskmag to the PC. Swedish swapper Slash left, he is presumably still in Citron. Musician Jozef has left the scene. Swedish sysop Qen ('ODIUS', ex Solitude) left for Squash. Musician Raiden (ex Insane) is no longer a member. Swedish swapper Yaffle joined Insane. · Suck Dick (AGA Intro). code: Origo, gfx: Frame, Pozz, music: "Ccccp" by Mr.Mygg (Tracker Packer 3 format). review: An average intro from Origo, with most of his common effects. That means a zoomrotator (this time with a smiling purple face :) is always present... This intro looks like any of his other 40/64k'ers, only with less chippy music :) Too bad Origo couldn't use the extra space to create something worthwhile. Seriously lacking in originality. And why the excessive profanity, Origo? Nowhere in the intro is a release date mentioned; can anybody help me determine when this was released? · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. ECC 93 Intro (1993, 05.08, Intro). 7th in the ECC93 intro competition. · Suicidal Tendensy (1994, 02.04, ECS 40k Intro). code: Origo, gfx: Claw, Pozz, music: Claw. Released for The Gathering 94 40k intro competition. review: This was supposed to compete in the Gathering intro competition, but was disqualified because the decruncher needed fastmem. Origo was reportedly VERY upset. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · At The Party (1994, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Origo, gfx: Pozz, Frame, music: "Det E Gott Med Snacks" by Mr.Mygg (4ch MOD format). 12th in The Party 4 40k intro competition. review: Works fine on the A2000, but was obviously made on a faster machine - the effects take forever to finish. Also, the opening graphics are somewhat fucked (if colorcycling wasn't intended...and given the way it looks, I think not!) It works perfectly fine on the A1200. Press the right mousebutton to pause the zoomscroller and text. · GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Das Omen (1995, 01.04, Demo). 2nd in the Virtual Conspiracy 95 demo competition. · Time Square (1995, 01.04, 40k Intro). code: Prospect, gfx: Frame, music: Destructor/Obscene. 2nd in the Virtual Conspiracy 95 40k intro competition. review: It's the design more than the code that sets "Time Square" apart from the competition, and secured its second place. Effects here include a chunky tunnel, yet another variation on the cityscape from Pygmy Projects "Extension" and some spacecut spheres. But, as mentioned, it's the design and execution that sets it apart. It has an air of professionality to it. · GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. · Virtual Conspiracy (1995, 01.04, ECS 40k Intro). code: Origo, gfx: Pozz, music: Mr.Mygg. Released for the Virtual Conspiracy 95 40k intro competition, but was unplaced. review: Apparently, there's something wrong with the way graphics are displayed here, since several effects look strange on my system - even with KillAGA - and the first effect isn't properly displayed at all. Due to this it's hard to judge the intro as a whole, but it doesn't really look like I've missed something. Interestingly, this intro ALSO has a variation on the "Extension" cityscape! Ultimately quite limited. · GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: See review. · Freebased (1995, 18.06, ECS 64k Intro). code: Origo, gfx: Pozz, music: Morrow & Some1/Razor 1911. Winner of the Icing 95 intro competition! review: Not bad at all, this little intro. It opens with a nice little C-Lous logo by Pozz, then continues onto a gouraud/texturemapped spacecut routine. Next there's some bitmap manipulation on a picture of a face... There's a couple of more routines too, but you get the picture. The tune's not too bad, though the chipfactor is a little high. Though the intro works fine on my machine, it obviously runs too fast for its own good... Some of the objects really sprint off! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Assembly 95 40k Intro (1995, 12.08, 40k Intro). 5th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition. Instinct (1995, 07.10). Released at Party Remedy 95, apparently out of competition. Masque (1995, 12.11, Demo). 2nd in the Compusphere 5 demo competition. · Life With a G-String (1995, 28.12, Demo). code: Prospect, gfx: Frame, Pozz (picture), Slime/Rebels (logo), music: "Feel the Hedgehog" by Mr.Mygg (Tracker Packer 3 format). Released at The Party 95. review: Very cool, smooth opening to this polished little demo from C-Lous, highlighted by some excellent graphical work. The code is nothing really special, just the twister bars early in the demo were special. This was most probably released outside the competition. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. · Mixed Emotions (1996, 05.04, AGA 40k Intro). code: Prospect, gfx: Frame, music: Soul/Movement. 3rd in The Gathering 96 40k intro competition. review: This intro can thank OK design for achieving the place it did. The coding is not too fabulous, but as mentioned the design and music are the saving grace here. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Kolor (1996, 26.05, Demo). code: Scout, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. 5th in the Icing 96 demo competition. Kolor Remix (1996, 16.06, Demo). 2nd in the Remedy 96 demo competition. · Rektum Analis (1996, 18.08, AGA 64k Intro). code: Origo, Scout, gfx: Pozz, music: Some1 & Morrow. 5th in the Assembly 96 64k intro competition. review: This is very good! From the moment the C-Lous logo smashes onto the screen to the first beats of the bassdrum, you know this is a competent production. The techno music kicks quite a bit, and does not suffer from the chip syndrome (squaeeeaaakk...) at all. Definitely cool! There are four effects here, all sharing the rather purple palette. We're treated to some shading, a tunnel, a voxelspace and some multiple toruses. It's all over rather quickly, but it's a sweet ride. Works on standard A1200, but a 030 and fastmem is recommended. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · No Sense issue 2 (1996, .09, Multifile diskmag). code: Origo, Scout (additional), S.Duvan/Citron. (additional), gfx: Gfx- Twins/Essence and Scoopex (title), Tobias Jansson/Citron. (welcome), Frame (main), music: "Dosk Forever" by Some1 & Morrow featurning Lizardking, "Hazel" by Elusive and Radix (both 4ch MOD format), editor: Frame. review: This mag opens great, with a fabulous title picture by the Gfx- Twins to the first beat of the equally great music...then the picture fades down and there's a really cool little welcome-animal to greet you! So we start to explore the mag...and it feels just great! Smoooooth scrolling, a goodlooking panel, and an overall air of professionalism oozes out of its ever pore! Well, have spent over an hour reading already...and I can just say that the feeling continues! The code is perfect, the mag's pleasantly written, and there's oodles of interesting and thoughtful material! Just great! It would be a CRIME not to download this mag, ok? Oh, and it multitasks - naturally! If you want the tunes, just depack them (they're in the 'music' directory), and they're ready to go! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. No Sense issue #3 (1996, autumn, Diskmag). code: Origo, gfx: n/a, music: n/a, editor: Frame. Showbase Shape (1997, .04, AGA Demo). Released at Icing '97 Beta, placing uncertain, but probably won! CNCD (1993-, -------------------------------- FIN> Case (code, 12/95-12/97), Dean (Mikko Lipiainen, gfx music, doublememb Damones, 93-95), Destop (Jani Isoranta, founder gfx trade, re-Anarchy, 02/93-12/97), Dizzy (Juha Kujanpaa, music, 12/93-08/95), Fraction (Juha Huuskonen, code music, doublememb Damones, 12/93), Golem (93), Groo (Sami Jarvinen, music, doublememb Virtual Dreams, 08/93-12/95), Heatbeat (Antti A. Mikkonen, founder music, 02/93-08/94), Juliet (code, 12/95), Konnu (code, 02/93), Major Tom (founder music, 12/93), Prime Premium (Ville Hyvonen, music, 93-95), Stelios (Stelios Stagakis, code, ex Scoopex), Uncle Sam (93), WDO (founder code, re- Anarchy, 08/93), Yolk and Legend (music, 12/97). SWE> Louie (gfx, doublememb The Black Lotus [details], new ROM9, 12/97). HOL> Mark (Mark Dankers. trade music, ex Banal Projects, new 08/93). ???> Hmd (code, 12/97), Sly (code, 12/97). CNCD resulted as a merger of the two groups Carillon and Cyberiad. Some of the above, like Juliet and Destop, are active cross-platform. Probably their most famous member must be the now-inactive Heatbeat, one of the greatest musicians to ever grace the Amiga platform. Finnish musicians Groo, Dean, Heatbeat and Dizzy have released a CD called simply "CNCD" through scenerelated record company TRSI Recordz (ROM4). News in RAW #6 that Dean and Fraction joined Damones are untrue, they just joined as doublemembers. 1997 - And just when we thought we'd heard the last from CNCD they strike back with a "Killer" [12/97] of a demo at The Party! Finnish graphician Kube (05-12/95) left to join Stellar (ROM4). How can this possibly be right, when ROM4 was released 05/95, and the "Closer" demo was released 12/95!? The dutch Astro, who was a CNCD and Movement doublememb, left them both for Virtual Dreams. · Comedy Iceland (1993, .02, ECS Intro). code: Konnu, fx: Destop, music: Heatbeat. review: This one's a small, simple, but nice BBS intro for 2000 A.D.'s Finnish board Comedy Iceland. It's a one-screen intro, but still quite OK. The bouncy, cool tune by Heatbeat lifts it a lot. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Cubes at top didn't fill properly, otherwise 100%. Musical Rabbit (1993, .07, Musicdisk). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: "Sedat Soitta-1" by Dean (The Player 5.0A format). info: Described as a 'mini-music-disk'. · Aquarium (1993, 05.08, ECS Trackmo). code: Fraction, gfx^music: Dean. 6th in the ECC93 demo competition. review: Not a very good one, I'm afraid... It's a short trackmo without too much to shout about. It's too AVERAGE for the most part, with neither the gfx, music or code ever really coming alive. The only sign of innovation was the broken glass vector cube, I haven't seen that before. Still, it's just a vector cube variation. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: At first it crashed. Then I tried kicking down, and it worked. Then, just for fun, I tried it without kicking down, and it worked again! Why? Haven't a clue... · Plastic Messiah (1993, 10.08, ECS 40k Intro). code: WDO, gfx: Destop, music: Groo & Mark. Split 3rd in the Assembly 93 intro competition. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Morbid Visions 3 (1994, early, ECS File Slideshow). code: Fraction, gfx: Dean (title), Reward (scan and retouch), music: Dizzy (The Player 5.0A format). Cooperation with Complex. review: Quite good slideshow detailing various Finns' adventures at The Party 3. Entertaining and good. Without KillAGA, keyboard control does not work. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0, -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Sorry, No Elmers In My World (1994, File). code: Fraction, gfx: n/a, music: Groo. · Uulima (1995, File). code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Andy/Banal Projects (The Player 6.1A format). review: Ok? I don't get this one... It's just a few lines of text and a weird face spinning a couple of times. It's all over in 30 seconds, and sort of leaves you wondering 'is that it?' 121k for a spinning face or two, a tune and some Italian hardly seems right. The only credits say 'CNCD with Andy'... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Deep (1995, 14.04, Demo). Cooperation with Parallax, see there. · Closer (1995, 28.12, AGA Multifile, 3 disks). code: Juliet, Case, gfx: Destop, Kube, music: Groo. Winner of The Party 5 demo competition! review: Whoaaa... This signals a new age in the way demos are made. Instead of the old effect-effect-effect demos, this is more a journey through (chunky!) landscapes and colors. The biggest drawback, I feel, is the music. It's not really a TUNE as such, it's more just music made to suit the demo, without an identity of its own. Wasn't that flower picture by Kube used in RAW #8, albeit in lower resolution? At The Gathering 1996, CNCD released a PC demo called "Inside" from much the same team as this one. Given the name, I suppose it's a sequel of sorts... Anyway, if you (like me :D) have a Pentium gathering dust in your bedroom (any room will do, though ;), it's well worth a look! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Killer (1997, 28.12, AGA 8MB Multifile). code: Case, Sly, Hmd, gfx: Destop, Louie, music: Yolk and Legend. 2nd in The Party 7 demo competition. Coast ----- GER> Exodus (sysop 'TRASHZONE'). Swat joined Bronx. Douglas joined Exort. Sean, their old leader, left for TRSI 09/91. Cocoon Dezign ------------- Once a subgroup of Motion, but they were kicked (SLH11) or left (GEN6). Deathlord will leave. Cola Sector ----------- Norby joined Investation. Collision --------- ???> Coroner (ex Compact). Color ----- GER> Rebel MC (sysop 'COLOR', 09/91). Coma (1990-1992) ---------------- GER> Don, DSP, Led, Mano, Mulloch, Panther, Pulsar, Stranger (swap, 01/91), Vipek, Warrior. FIN> Apoplexy, Soy. USA> Mad Max (music, 08/91). ???> Aljechin (ger? code, 90-08/91), Blockbrain (gfx, 05/91), Braindamage (ex Intuition), Darxon (gfx, 05/91), Dave Tough (gfx, 03/91), Elwood (code, 05/91), Tool (music, 02/91), Topaz (music, 03-05/91), Wave (music, 02/91), Zorba (gfx, 03/91). Boards; MATERIAL WORLD (new mid 91). Coma was a german demo group, first formed at the Action Conference 90 in october, and became a fully operation group at the the Amiga Expo the following month. It was a fusion of the three groups Antares, Exage and Exess. 1991 - Coma was very active in their first months of existence, releasing several intros and demos at both the Action Conference in february and the CeBit 91 in march. More intros and demos followed, until the group was completely reformed around the middle of the year, and a lot of 'dead meat' was forced to leave. This probably means Mr.L, Cato, Tomcat (music), Slugger, Lawbreaker, Tracer, Booker, Chatman, Alva, Hellraiser, Rockstar (ex Agile, new mid91), Ariel, Calypso, Sub Zero, Ze Worst and Hygraicc. This event was announced in their intro "Kick Out". Finnish member Curse joined Arise in september. The releases kept coming, with several new demos like "Burger Hill" and "Hot Dots" and the first two issues of their successful diskmag, "McDisk" the future looked great. Swiss swapper Antifast joined Zenith late91. 1992 - Unfortunately, the start of the year would prove disastrous for Coma. After releasing the third issue of "McDisk" in january, their three best german coders (Microforce, Cosmos and Zap joined Sanity; their best musician (Virgill) joined TRSI and the rest of the group (Control, Mad Butcher, Head (old handle Amok), Jackie D., Mission, Tom Copper, Mop (ex Dartagnan/Axis old, new mid91), Nick O'Teen and Aahz decided to join Alcatraz rather than keep it going as a separate group. Their diskmag came with them to the new group. Cytax' "I.C.E #8" [mid92] reported that the group Interactive was born by former members of Equinox, Coma and others, so some former members probably also found their way there. Germans Renegade (gfx, 01/92) and Orbit (08/91) joined Design, probably early 92. German Tripex (02/91) joined Equinox. Englishman Jongle joined Damage Inc. German swapper Brutus joined Armageddon. English coder Hotspur (old handle Jedi) joined Addonic. Comic-Intro (1990, late, ECS Intro). code: Aljechin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. info: The intro that announced Coma's birth. Floodland (1991, .02, ECS File). code: Mad Butcher, gfx: Amok, Mad Butcher, Tripex (vectorobjects), music: "Future Complete" by Wave & Tool (ProTracker MOD format). Comic-Intro 2 (1991, .02, ECS Intro). code: Aljechin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Works (1991, 27.02, ECS File). code: Mission, gfx: Amok/Coma (logo), Metallion/Kefrens (font), music: "Dream It3" by Tomcat (StarTrekker 4ch MOD format). Floodland II (1991, 02.03, ECS File). code: Mad Butcher, gfx: Tom Copper, Mad Butcher (font), music: "Dream. Again.Final" by Tomcat (ProTracker MOD format). 3rd in the Treacl and Panic party demo competition. Party Intro (1991, 02.03, ECS Intro). code Aljechin, gfx: Zorba (logo), Metallion/Kefrens (font), music: n/a (Future Composer 1.4 format, 16672 bytes). Released at the Treacl and Panic party. Exotic Pack #2 (1991, 02.03, ECS Packmenu). code: Aljechin, gfx: Zorba, music: Leffty/Tristar (Future Composer 1.3 format, 66074 bytes). Released at the Treacl and Panic party. Boring Bobs (1991, 16.03, ECS File). code: Aljechin, gfx: Tom Copper, music: "Jambala Converted" by Jochen Hippel/Thalion (Future Composer 1.4 format, 81670 bytes). Released at CeBit 91. info: This was Aljechins first demo. Cebit 91 (1991, 16.03, ECS Intro). code: Aljechin, gfx: Dave Tough (pic), Tom Copper (font), music: "Piknukiple 1" by Topaz (ProTracker MOD format). Released at CeBit 91. The Gallery Intro (1991, 30.03, ECS File). code: Aljechin, gfx: Tom Copper (font), music: "Futility2" by Topaz (ProTracker MOD format). BBS Intro (1991, .04, ECS Intro). code: Mission, gfx: Tom Copper, music: "Collusion" by Topaz (ProTracker MOD format). info: On A1200 systems, turn cache off, chipset original. Kick Out (1991, Intro). code: Orbit, gfx: Control & Amok, music: "Headcrash-Intro3" by Virgill (ProTracker MOD format). info: This intro announced the complete reformation of Coma, and a lot of old members were kicked out... Sunset (1991, 08.05, ECS File). code: Elwood, gfx: Blockbrain (logo, endpartpix), Darxon (font), music: "Polyprint" by Topaz (ProTracker MOD format). Delicious Fruits #4 (1991, 17.06, ECS Packmenu). code: Aljechin, gfx: Dave Touch (logo), Tom Copper (fonts), "t.k.g. Credits" by Ray Norrish/independent. info: The music was ripped from the game The Killing Gameshow. One Night (1991, ECS Demo). code: Laserdance, Falke/TSB, Mad Butcher, gfx: Ivan/TSB, Amigaze, Tom/Coma, music: "Micro-Tyxe.gts" by GTS/TSB (ProTracker MOD format). Cooperation with TSB. Burger Hill (1991, ECS Trackmo). code: Aljechin (burger anim, vectorlogos), Orbit (plasma, adresspart), gfx: Spider, Zorba (font), music: "Tbb-Plasmacrap" by Virgill (ProTracker MOD format). Spiders Slide (1991, 06.08, ECS Slideshow). code: Aljechin, gfx: Spider/D-Tect, music: "Vision Fear - hm" by Twisted/ D-Tect (ProTracker MOD format). Cooperation with D-Tect. McDisk #1 (1991, .08, ECS Diskmag). INT - code: Orbit, gfx: n/a, music: "Sonata a la Zamfir" by Mad Max (ProTracker MOD format). MAG - code: Mission, Mad Butcher, gfx: Tom Copper (design), Spider/D-Tect (anims), music: "Mc.Disk Final..." by Tomcat (ProTracker MOD format), editor: Mad Butcher (main), Amok. Mc Disk #2 (1991, .10, ECS Diskmag). INT - code: Mission, gfx: Tom Copper, Zoom/TSL (logo), music: Virgill. Hot Dots (1991, 07.12, ECS File). code: Jackie D., gfx: Nick O'Teen, Tom Copper, music: "High Density" by Virgill (ProTracker MOD format). 2nd in the Prime 91 demo competition. McDisk Issue #3 (1992, 25.01, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Zap, gfx: Renegade, Tom Copper (logo), Facet/Anarchy (loading pic), music: "McDisk3_Intro" by Microforce (ProTracker MOD format). MAG - code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. info: The review will be completed soon. · GLE tested A500 /000/½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. Comakids (CKS) -------------- SWE> Cre8or (sysop 'A BASE', 01/95), Dexter (sysop 'TOTAL DISASTER', doublememb Alpha Flight, 01/95). Comax ----- SWE> Zcandaler (sysop 'TOTAL ECLIPSE', doublememb Duplo, 01/95). Combat-18 --------- DEN> Zoonie (sysop 'HOUSE OF GAMES'). Mordred joined Defekt. Comedy ------ Comedy was formed by the best members of Mad Sorcerers (Eksec, Zorro...) and G-Force. I believe most of the members I know about - Smack (code, 02/92), Eksec (code, 02/92), Zorro (gfx, 02/92) - later joined Infect. Terror Pack Mag #1 Menu (1992, 07.02, ECS File). code: Eksec, Smack, gfx: Zorro, music: Merlin/Sonic. info: Works fine on my A500/1mb/2.04. Compact (-1992) --------------- FIN> Agony, Clr, Crom (sysop 'GENESIS III'), Dica, Dope, Eldar, Gambler, Godfather, Lorimar, Netrunner, Optic, Secret-X, SJ, Soldier, Synthoid, The Bull, X-Tasy. Compact was declared dead late 1992. Please note that Compact, based in Finland, and Compact Inc, based in Norway, are NOT the same group! Sentinel and Thor joined Grace. Coroner (ex Xentrix) joined Collision. Genesis III BBS Intro (ECS Intro). Compact Inc. ------------ NOR> Acen (ex Phase), Crimson (code, ex Sciff/Alive, 12/92), Enzian, Fizban (code, old handle Whiplash, ex Phase, 12/93), Flash Fox (gfx, 12/92), Jelace (music, ex Connection), Matt (code, ex Hiron [no entry]), Omaha Thunder (sysop 'PRO PARIA' earlier 'DIGITAL PLEASURE', ex Destiny, 07/94), Online (sysop 'TOONTOWN'), Peloquin, Psimon (music, ex Razor 1911, new late92-12/93), Scientist (code), Scud (music, 12/93), Shocker (gfx, ex Razor 1911, new late92-12/93), Unix, Zenit (swap sysop 'WALL STREET' opened 09/92). BEL> Ikon (ex Decnite, new mid93). ???> Alex, Da Vinci (old handle Gemini), Howard (new late94), Minion (gfx, 12/92), Scorpio (gfx, 12/92), Spadowski, Turrican (new late94), Van Diemen (new late94). Compact Inc. also had a PC subgroup, called Rave Nation. Scorpio returned to the scene after a little break in 94. Please note that Compact, based in Finland, and Compact Inc, based in Norway, are NOT the same group! Sunburst and Agamemnon got kicked. Norwegian Jack (ex Desire, new late92) was kicked 09/92. Norwegian Phil (ex Desire, old handle Switchblade) left the scene. Norwegians Powerpack and Tobias left the scene late 94. Space Intro (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Sciff, gfx: Minion, Flash Fox, Scorpio, music: Dr.Fruid/Frogs. 17th in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Hiplash (1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Fizban, gfx: Shocker, music: Scud. 8th in The Party 93 40k intro competition. Hiplash 2 (1994, 03.04, 40k Intro). 6th in The Gathering 94 40k intro competition. Company, The (1990-) -------------------- FRA> Corsair (code), Shadow Lord (supply). GER> Phil (sysop 'MAIDEN HOOD', 10-12/91). SWE> Porta (sysop 'EAGLE'S NEST'). USA> Nosferatu (sysop 'DANSE MACABRE', 12/91). ???> Gator, Link (supply), Triton, Ultimate Warrior (new mid 91), White Snake (supply, 12/91), Yeti (train, 91). Boards; PIRATE CHIP (usa, 91), GURU HEAVEN (usa, 12/91), PHANTOM ZONE (ita, 12/91), SECOND WORLD (ger, 93). The Company was formed in 1990 by ex members of Paranoimia and Quartex. They were one of the better cracker group while they were operating. They released at least two cracks in cooperation with Vision Factory. The 'WORLD OF MIRAGE' BBS (WHQ, 91) joined TRSI. Cannon, Darkstar and Fade One (all sysops) joined Complex. Black Ghost left for Vogue after 2 weeks (mid 91). French sysop Ashton ('ACID RAIN') left the scene to study mid 91. French Mr.Video stopped all acitivities, and Foxy got busted late 91. Germans Selim (trade sysop 'THE JAM', 01/91), Rudi and Oliver joined Skid Row mid 91. Complex (CLX, -------------------------------------- FIN> Artifex (Henri Loikkanen, gfx, ex Stellar, 12/92-08/96), Banzai (code, ex Advance), Blade (06/92), Breeze (ex Amaze, 06/92), Cable (code, 06/92), Cockatrice (gfx, 06/92-95), Delorean (Sakari Hannula, music, 06/92-95), Der HM (music sysop 'THE WATCHTOWER', 07/91-95), Dweezil (code), Fuzzy (trade, ex Dual Crew, 02/93-03/94), Gremlin (gfx, 06- 07/92), Hotshot (Jarkko Sopanen, gfx, ex Stellar, 08/93-95), Hyde (Harri Hytoenen, trade, 06/92-12/94), JHL (code sysop 'ZENLANDIA', ex TRSI), Jugi (Jukka Kaartinen, gfx music, 06/92-04/94), Mic Dair (Aki Sihvonen, mainorg music trade sysop 'NAUSEA', 06/92-95), Outlaw (Janne Kontkanen, code, 10/94), Reward (Sami Vanhatalo, gfx, ex Scoopex, new 92-08/96), Tai-Pan (Antti Toiviainen, code, 06/92-95), Tom (code, ex Advance), Zeque (code, ex Reflect, new mid93-95), Zoltar (music, ex Advance). GER> Cannon (ex The Company), Darkstar (ex The Company), Fade One (gfx, ex The Company, later Essence), MCM (code, ex Spaceballs), RTD (code, ex Mexx, 12/94), Virgill (Jochen Feldkötter, music). SWE> Damien (sysop 'PURPLE PLEXUS', ex Aurora), Pace (Roger Andersson, swap, ex Insane, new late 94). N-L> Camelot (sysop 'ETERNAL CHAOS'). ???> Blue (ex Offworld, 06/92), Camelot (04/94), Contra (ex Niagara [no entry], new late93), Dalton (code), King Cobra (sysop, new 06/95), Mr.Spiv (fin? code, 04/94-95), Nukeman (ex Anthrox), Olwi (code, 04/95), PHS (ex Offworld, 06/92), Proton (code, 95), Shade (ex Offworld), TNM (04/94). Boards; CELTIC PATH (ger), TOTAL CHAOS (ger). Complex is a legendary demo crew, based in Finland, where their leader Mic Dair lives. For a great many years they worked on the Amiga, though they now seem to have abandoned our platform completely in favour of the PC. Their PC section still has most of the original members, like Jugi. Mr.Spiv is the author of the packer program StoneCracker. News of the forming of the German division were in R.A.W #2. German musician Virgill joined Complex according to PRP4, but Virgill made music for the TRSI demo "Twin Peaks" [12/96]... I believe the truth is closer to a double membership. They have released an unknown number of issues of their diskmag "Maggy". Artifex came 2nd at at ASM95 with "Mystery". When King Cobra rejoined 06/95, the news read ' back with a new board'. 1990 - Hyde left the group to join up with rising star Image around the middle of the year, but left after a not too short time, and eventually found his way back to Complex. 1991 - The Finnish board 'COMPLEX SOFTBANK' (pc section) was busted late 91, and this was the first real Finnish bust. 1992 - The group was strengthened when Finnish coder Epidemic joined from Addonic early in the year. Celat joined Supplex 09/92. Finnish graphician Morpheus left for Chrome 09/92. 1993 - Coder Epidemic (ex Addonic, 06/92-93) joined Banal Projects some time during 1993; He did NOT join VD, as claimed in Spaceballs' "R.A.W #6" [12/93]. During his time in Complex he worked on some intros [92 and 93] as well as the musicdisk "Book of Songs" [93]. 1994 - After releasing their last demo for Complex, "Real" [04/94], musician Clawz and coder Gengis (both ex Digital, new ca 11-12/93) decided to leave to form their own group called Bomb! in August 1994. They left behind a few great demos for Complex, most notably "Origin" [12/93], which won The Party 93 demo competition! 1995 - Swedish sysop Ozone ('FAR OUT', 04/94) joined Classic new 06/95. Ozone was the modem organizer. German board 'SKARA BRAE' was busted 06/95. French graphician Eloy (ex Digital, 12/93-04/94) left for Scoopex late 95. German graphician Noogman (08/93-04/94) joined Artwork. Coder Stelios (mid 94) was kicked out, but joined Scoopex only to move on to CNCD in a matter of days!. Peace has been kicked out. Finnish coder Fraction got kicked. Python (ex Byterapers) and Zoltar were kicked. Swedes Lando and Xstaz (sysop 'THE ICE PALACE', ex Legend) both joined Global Overdose. German trader Mincer (ex Adept, 03/93) left the scene. Fabulous german musician Bit Arts (ex Sanity) left Complex, and later also the scene. One of the greatest losses the scene has ever suffered, IMHO... German ex-Anarchy graphician E.Toball was kicked. French graphician Titan (Sebire Laurent, ex Digital, 04/94) left. He was later in Bomb! Titan drew a great fullscreen picture for the demo "Real" [04/94]. German Speed (ex Mexx, new RAW6) was kicked out mid 93. He changed his handle to Rakiem and joined Dreamdealers. Finnish coder Saviour (06/92-95) left to join Damones. R.A.W #6 also mentions Drifter, but look below for more on THAT confusion... Saviour worked on his commercial game "Elfmania" for about a year, before it was released in the summer of 1994. Finns Guru and Stratos (both ex Decept, 07/92) left to form their own group; Sahara Surfers. This happened sometime between 07/92 and mid 93... They also seem to have joined Parallax at the same time! German swapper Mike D. (ex Anarchy, 06/92) left the scene. American Freddy Krueger, sysop 'BOILER ROOM' (ex Scoopex) left to join Global Overdose. French coder Schmoovy Schmoov left to form Universal Soldiers with his friend Monty/Paradox. Finns Zany, Open Eyes (both ex Offworld) and Papa Smurf joined Virtual Dreams). Due to the fact that they left, some credits in "Book of Songs" were omitted by Complex! See the review for more. Four german coders; Crazy Crack (ex Mexx), Crash & Argon (both ex Adept, 12/92-04/94) and Raw Style (code, ex Jetset, 08/94) all left to join Polka Brothers 12/94. Crazy Crack made the intro "A500 HOMAGE" as a sort of farewell to Complex before he left. Upstream #10 carried the news, but misspellt Crazy Crack as Crazy Jack! Finnish musician Stargazer (07/92) decided to rejoin Sonic after just a brief period in Complex. Finnish graphician Drifter (ex Cyberiad, 12/92-93) left the scene. However, R.A.W #6 says he rejoined Accession, and in another place that he joined Damones with Saviour!! Confusion status: Total. Graphician Tomcat (ex Awesome, 06/92-04/94), who drew the great logo in "GOSPEL KARAOKE", joined Shining 8. Mr.Nice Guy moved to France, and is now Mr.NGY/Delight late91. · Skid Row Cracktro (ECS Intro). code: Dalton, gfx: n/a, music: Jugi. review: A quite basic intro, with vector renditions of the two words 'Skid' and 'Row' twisting around on the right side of the screen, and the rest of it being occupied with a text plotter. Not much more to say, except that Jugi's tune sounds like a raped version of Codex/ Cryptoburner's classic "Memorydust". And that font seems awful familiar... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Stateline (ECS Demo). code: Zany, gfx: Open Eyes, music: Stargazer. information: By the subgroup Inner Universe. The Ultimate Sinus (1989). PU-240 (1990?, ECS File). code: Tai-Pan, gfx: Frank/Anonyms, music: Walkman/It. · Maggy #9 (1991, ECS Multifile Diskmag) INT - code: Tom, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. MAG - code: Python, gfx: n/a, music: n/a, editor: Hyde. review: The intro part works fine, though has a few slight graphical errors that make the sinescroller a little hard to read... This issue of the mag was released a full year after the last issue was released, and for the first time with a new code (the last one was iff-only, like the old Crack Journal's) and in English. All previous issues were in Finnish only. First impressions are good, with a pleasant design and english that appears to be readable (not a given in those times! ;) But...then you try to read the next page, and something STRANGE happens... You can't. The mag forever keeps loading articles, and you never get to read a single byte anymore... Thankfully the text is unpacked on the disk, so I could at least read SOME of the it! Too bad :( Release date is uncertain, but certainly after april (contained party report from late march). · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: See review! · Vector Preview (1992, 09.06, ECS File). code: Tai-Pan, gfx/music: Jugi. Winner of the Society Summer Conference 92 demo competition! review: Tai-Pan became a celebrity nearly solely on the back of this single, short production. The reason for all the enthusiasm was the incredible (for its time) filled vector routines presented here. Complemented by Jugi's above average graphics and music, this became a great little production! The endscroller can be paused with the right mouse button. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA. Universal Intensity (1992, 09.06, ECS Disk). 3rd in the Society Summer Conference 92 demo competition. · Gospel Karaoke (1992, late .06, ECS File). code: Saviour, gfx: Tomcat (logo), Cockatrice (cross), Jugi (fonts), music: Der HM. review: Apparently coded in a day during a party at Jugi's house, this is certainly one of the best 1-day productions to ever grace the scene! Not only is it good, it's original too! The main feature of the demo is a gospel song (yes, with vocals!), and you can press the right mouse button to turn off the singing, and sing along yourself; hence...gospel karaoke. Graphics are absolutely great, as is the music. Top-notch! The scroller mentions several secret parts; Tetris! is mentioned... No release date of any kind appears in the demo, so the date reported here is my assumption, based on information in the scrolltext. ADL had it as '1992?', and that combined with them mentioning they were waiting for demos from the Hurricunt (Hurricane) party, arranged at at end of .06 that year. Let's hope I'm right :) The demo requires 1mb total memory. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Notes: Needs KillAGA. · Delirium (1992, 26.07, ECS Trackmo). code: Saviour, gfx: Jugi, Stratos (chesslogo), Gremlin (frog logo), music: DeLorean, Jugi. 2nd in the Assembly 92 demo competition. review: It is always hard to review a demo you've never seen, and this one is no exception. It often crashes on 2.0+ and accelerated machines, and must surely be one of the most incompatible demos ever... Bummer :( This is actually the third demo to use the name Delirium; Fraxion and Zero Defects beat them to it :) Compo Intro (1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Epidemic, gfx: Drifter, music: Stargazer. 12th in The Party 92 40k intro competition. Puuro (1992, 27.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Crash, gfx: Open Eyes, Artifex, music: "(c)hip-2" by Stargazer. 20th in The Party 92 40k intro competition. · An Old...Intro! (1993, .01, ECS Intro). code: Epidemic, gfx: Drifter, music: "(c)hip-2" by Stargazer. review: Simple but sweet, this intro has a big raytraced animation of two 'tannhjul' spinning, over which some text materializes. Nice design. This MAY be the same as COMPO INTRO, I guess, but I do not know 100% for sure, so... The release date is based on the fact that there was a text BBS ad embedded in my copy of the file, dated 30.01-93. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Book of Songs (1993, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). code: Epidemic, gfx: Jugi, Artifex, Drifter, Hotshot, music: Jugi, DeLorean. info: Since Zany and Open Eyes left, the rest of Complex decided to leave out the credit for their work on this! In fact, Open Eyes did all the fonts and one small picture, and Zany coded the hardware loader! The disk got its name since each song is represented as a page in a book. EuroChart #30 says Saviour was the coder... Equipoise (1993, 10.04, Demo). Released at The Gathering 93. · Paradigma (1993, 02.08, ECS File). code: Crash & Argon, gfx: Hotshot, Artifex, Noogman (uncredited), music: "Nagual_Dance2" by Jugi and Delorean. Winner of the 680xx Convention 1993 demo competition! review: DemoManiac coders Crash and Argon prove their class in this great, polished demo. Graphics are generally excellent, as is the music. There are some very good effects here, like a large TV box (remember "Enigma"?), a vector world (remember "Enigma" again?) and pencil vectors (remember "Boggledop"?). Very very cool. The demo is referred to as a Mainzelmaennchen Production throughout. It requires 1mb total RAM, and all external drives disconnected on 1mb only systems. Since it failed to run on my A500/1mb/2.04, I guess you'll need to run a 1.2 or 1.3 system if you want to run it with only 1MB. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Unstable, perhaps KillAGA helps. Origin (1993, 27.12, AGA Trackmo, 2 disks). code: Gengis, gfx: Titan, Hof, Mack, Alex, music: "Fx4" and "Supreme In Black" by Clawz (ProRunner 1.0 format). Winner of The Party 93 demo competition! info: The sequel "Motion: Origin 2" was released at The Party the following year by Bomb!, but it did not have the success of the original. Gengis and Clawz next production for Complex was "Real" [04/94]. · Real (1994, 24.04, AGA File). code: Gengis, gfx: Titan, Eloy (additional), Hof (additional), music: "Cyberotica" and "Help Tha Fool" by Clawz (ProRunner 1.0 format). Winner of the Saturne Party 2 demo competition! review: A good early AGA demo with its high points and its lows. There are highlights, ofcourse, like the swirling things that fly at you during the opening sequence and the way the parts are linked together in the beginning. There are also two full screen AGA pictures by Titan and Eloy, that are almost worth the disk space in their own right :) Titan's picture is called "Synchronocity" and Eloy's is called "Artemis". They were both released for the graphics competition at the same party as the demo. Clawz' music is not his best work, but it's functional. A truly polished production. Recommended. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Resolution (1994, mid, ECS File). code: Stelios, gfx: Reward, music: Jugi. Seduction (1994, .07, Musicdisk). code: Gengis, gfx: Hof (load pic), Alex, music: Clawz, Delorean (Tracker Packer 3 format). info: Modules from Clawz are Mixed Up, Refreshing, Sunk In Ink, Post Modern. Gengis and Clawz' last production for Complex, before leaving to form Bomb! in August. I want this one!! · Dive (1994, 06.08, ECS 40k Intro). production: Crash, Sire. 10th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition. review: Ahem. There's only two real effects here, none of which kills. The first is what appears to be a standard graphics zoomer which soon appears to be more of a meteor storm. Original, but hardly goodlooking - it's WAY too blocky. The second is a voxel routine with some rather... ehrm...interesting palette choices. The music irritates me. I always thought this was an AGA intro? Still, on my machine it requires KillAGA to work properly... To confuse us, Complex released a demo at Assembly 95 with the exact same name! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA. Pee Wee (1994, 06.08, Intro?). code: RawStyle, gfx: Noogman, music: Audiomonster. info: Released at Assembly 94, but not in the competitions. In fact I have no idea what this is! :) · A500 Homage (1994, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro). code: Crazy Crack, gfx: Artifex, music: Einstein/Mexx. 11th in The Party 4 40k intro competition. review: Crazy Crack made this little intro as a farewell to Complex before he and the rest of the German coders took off for Polkaland. It is also a homage to the A500, and appropriately so since it was released in the first compo to have almost exclusively AGA contributions. There are some cool effects here, though the best is probably the concluding fullscreen 4 bitplane 4x4 rotzoomer, or the 4096 morphing dots. I like it. Right mousebutton pauses the end scroller. · GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Wormhole (1995, 14.04, ECS 020+ 64k Intro). code: Olwi, gfx: Artifex, Reward, music: SuperNao/Virtual Dreams. 3rd in The Gathering 95 64k intro competition. review: Technically very impressive is this intro which won the Gathering 95 competition. It mainyl comprises of three vetor objects with light sourcing and MANY faces, shown animated over a huge scrolling picture - probably generated during the lengthy introduction text. Technically great, as I mentioned, but it's not very exciting is it? Boring, in fact. Probably the last ECS intro to win a major competition, though it requires at least an 020 processor. I think this requires quite a bit of memory... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · Tequila Chart issue #11 (1995, 01.07, Chartmag). code: Rioter/Equinox, gfx: Artifex, music: "Fluffy_Fassion" by Loxley/ Equinox (Tracker Packer 3 format), editors: Excalibur, Blizzard/TDS. Cooperation with The Doodles^Shock (TDS). review: Tequila is released the first of every month, and is a chart and mag for the swedish modem scene. This means that the editorial content is not very interesting to outsiders, unfortunately. I'm sure it's essential reading for those it concerns, however :) The coder is Rioter/Equinox, the swede previously responsible for the "European Top 20" chart from his own group, Equinox. I really must say that I like this one a lot more than his first effort. Much of the praise for the smooth look and feel, though, must go to the person responsible for the graphics, Artifex. He's come up with the perfect combination of raytraced, animated icons and handdrawn stuff...just marvellous. Now I've mentioned the code and graphics, so I guess the next item on the list is Loxley/Equinox's great piece of music. I don't know exactly what makes it as good as it is, but there's a cerain sense of dynamics and vitality to it that puts it up. Presentation, therefore, is very very nice. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Dive (1995, 13.08, Demo). 6th in the Assembly 95 demo competition. info: Same name as their previous 40k intro... Concept ------- ENG> Shadowman (sysop 'BONG'). Concept was a french demogroup, which never produced much of note. 1991 The active part of the group, Performer (code), NHP (music), BKH (music), Rookie and Ronan (code) joined together with fellow frenchmen Motif (code), Zoom (gfx) and Walt (gfx) to form the french section of The Silents. Confusion --------- POL> Bax (music, 08/95), Ellyn (gfx, 08/95), Exceed (code, 08/95), Slaughter (music, 08/95). Confusion are a purely Polish group, and at the Intel Outside 2 party they consisted only of the above 4 members. · 64kb Intro (1995, 30.08, ECS 64k Intro). code: Exceed, gfx: Ellyn, music: Slaughter. 2nd in the Intel Outside 2 64k intro competition. review: This intro opens with FAST filled vector cubes, filled with static and spacecut with the background. The music is pounding techno without much variation or melody, but it works ok to get the adrenalin pumping a little. Next there's some vector lines, which fly together to make shapes and tunnels. They hold onto this effect a little too long for my liking, before showing portraits of the three coders. Incidentally, Slaughter looks like he's 13 or thereabouts :) No offence, ok Slaughter? Then, the intro really takes off with its next screen. At the top there's a good Confusion logo in hues of green, and below that there's a flame effect. This one seems a little original, though, since it seems to take sidewind into consideration, making the flames swing to the side when the virtual winds blow :). Text output is timed to the beat of the techno music throughout, and that coupled with an OK font and nice design give this a good feel. I definitely want to see more from these guys! The name given above is not the intro's real name; the real name is in Polish and in addition quite unreadable to the untrained eye :) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 Connection, The --------------- DEN> Hagar (ex The Supply Team). Amigo got busted on new years eve 1987/88. Connection ---------- NOR> Garth (swap), Psycho (Kristian Owren, swap). Norwegian musician Jelace joined Compact Inc. Conqerers --------- JOR> Bassam, Dunhill, Futuros, Louis, Nible, Overdrive, Ramek, Sam, Snake. SWE> Blaze. NOR> Water. DEN> Cyclone, Vanilla Ice. FRA> Dream Warrior, Fxa. Conqerers was formed on the remains of St.Pauls Crew, and in case you're wondering, it IS spellt like that :-) Swede Ztork left. Fashion Design left. Austrian Karen left. Swedes Fire and R2D2 joined Bronx. Conquest -------- If all their productions are AMOS, like the awful "Chippo #1", then I'm afraid I'll have to reevaluate their validity... Black Thunder joined, but left for Score right away (late 93). · Chippo #1 (1994, 27.02, ECS Musicfile). code: Acces, gfx: Predator, music: "Le Chips Revenge", "Confettis", "Smiths", "YumYum", "Super Chips" and "Bolognese" by Rotox/Score. review: Sorry, we do not review AMOS demos here. Lame in every respect. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Contra (C!) ----------- GER> Mogue (ascii sysop 'HOMELESS'). ???> H2o! (ascii), Mess, Rapid, Stratos, Stylez, Treach. Boards; RAVELAND WHQ, DEEP SPACE NINE EHQ, PUNISHMENT INC. (distsite), THE PUB (distsite). Contra is an ascii group. Mogue is one of two sysops on 'HOMELESS', but the only one of the two that's in Contra. Ascii artist 2Fast left late 96. Contrast -------- GER> Bootbuster (gfx music swap, 03/92), Flexible (ex Unlimited, 03/92), Try (code, 03/92). ???> Anvil (ger? ex Unlimited), Dioxxin (03/92), Dr.Dread (03/92). Norwegian Tallyman joined Unlimited. German swapper TNM (ex Hysteric, 03/92) joined Subzero 08/92. · Hypnautic Beats vol.1 (1992, 14.03, ECS Trackloaded musicdisk). code: Try, gfx: Bootbuster, Try, music: Dr.Dread, Bootbuster. review: I'm sorry, Contrast, but this just doesn't cut it. In a music disk, the music should be the center of attention, but when the music's as bland and uninteresting as it is here, it leaves the entire production for dead. NOT recommended. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Contraz (CTZ, 1995-, --------------------------------------------------------------- NOR> Accede (code, ex Donut Fetish, new late97), Brekke (code, 04/95-97), Chauple (code, doublememb Instinct, 04/97), Corrupt (raytrace, 11/96), Detriment (sysop), Dran (code gfx, 04/95-04/01), EFB (code, 04/95), Enex (code, 04/95-11/96), Figaro (gfx, 11/96), Fleinstein (org swap, 04/95), Found (music), Freak of Nature (sysop 'DARK NATURE', 05/97), Fro-D (music, 04-11/96), Isaac (music, 97), Micro (raytrace), Mr.Figaro (gfx), MZ (code, 04/95), Nirvana (Torgrim Nærstad, gfx, ex Grotesticle, 11/96), O.G. Devil (gfx, 04/95), Overgrown (music, 04/95), Phalton (raytrace), Pinocchio (raytrace music, 04/95), Reflexion (Martin Brieley, org), Skjeggspir (Rune Stensland, code gfx music, 04/95-97), Whisper (Bendik Simonsen, swap webmaster, 04/95), Zelow (code, 04/95-04/01). Contraz is a Norwegian demo group, born as a cooperation between Damage Inc. (Overgrown etc.) and The Tanga Team in early 1995. 2000 - Dran plans a 64k intro for The Party in december, but ultimately decides to wait, and release it later. 2001 - Dran and Zelow release the 64k intro "1 Week" (with music by Frequent/Ephidrena) at Mekka Symposium 2001 in april. · Prikkmannen (1995, 14.04, 4k Intro). code: Brekke, Zelow, gfx: none, music: n/a. 3rd in The Gathering 95 4k intro competition. review: To the sound of a 'techno soundtrack' (and I'm being VERY kind here now!) a white, smiling dot-man is spinning and zooming in and out on a blue background. And that's it. Not exactly impressive, but I've certainly seen worse too. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. · Contras (1995, 14.04, ECS 64k Intro). code/gfx: Skjeggspir, music: Overgrown. 6th in The Gathering 95 64k intro competition. review: This has a definite amateur feeling to it, most of the effects are copper- or linevector-based, and neither the graphics nor music is up to scratch. An early, immature release from a group that should have waited a little more before releasing anything. Inspection of the binary file reveals this was made using AMOS. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Mystiq (1996, 05.04, Demo). 4th in The Gathering 96 demo competition. Skjeggspir (1996, 05.04, 4k Intro). code: Skjeggspir, gfx: none, music: Fro-D. 4th at The Gathering 96 4k intro competition. review: A little limited this one, just an OK tune and a logo that spins onto the screen. Average. · Domination (1996, 16.11, AGA 4MB File). code: Skjeggspir, Zelow, Brekke, Enex, gfx: Figaro, Nirvana, Dran, Corrupt (objects), music: Fro-D. Winner of the Kindergarden 6 demo competition! review: This seems to rely more on its scanned Arnold Schwarzenegger imagery than on its effects. There are a few reasonably advanced effects, but at this speed I'd rather be without them. The best thing about this demo is Nirvana's great picture "WOW", which came second in the graphics competition at The Gathering 95. It would have deserved to win IMHO... Coolest thing in the demo: Arnold pointing a BIG gun at the screen, with the text: Anyone mention PC? Funny, then, that they list two PC coders on their memberlist... The compoversion had a few bugs, so a bugfixed and improved version was later released. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Had to manually decrunch it with xfd before running in order to have enough mem! · Born Fat (1997, AGA 4k Intro). code: Chauple, Skjeggspir (additional), Brekke (additional), gfx: none, music: none. 2nd in the Scenus 97 4k intro competition. review: They've managed to squeeze in quite a bit into this 4k'er; not only is there sound (calling it music is stretching it a little :) but there's also a LOT of effects here, from bumpmapping variations to a tunnel you travel through. Not bad at all! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. · 1 Week (2001, .04, AGA 16MB 64k Intro). code: Dran, Zelow (additional), gfx: none, music: Frequent/Ephidrena. review: Well, this isn't really a review, since I can't see this intro on my machine, because it lacks an fpu =[ What was I thinking when I thought I'd never need one? Anyway, apart from the FPU, this intro requires an AGA amiga (020+ obviously), and 16MB fast. It's not really comfortable on anything below an 060-50, according to the the accompanying readme file. Be sure to use setpatch before running. Control ------- DEN> Antex (swap, ex Orient, new PRP4), Sidewinder (code), Scorpion (music swap, ex Orient, new PRP4). ???> Dune (gfx), Evade (code), Joy-Boy (code gfx), Kris (code), Monk (swap), Pixl (gfx), Sniper (gfx), Wobin (swap). Creep joined D-Mob. Danish swapper Decoy joined Passion 11/94. Converse -------- Dan joined Acrid. Convex (CVX) ------------ POL> Stasi (swap). ???> Bart (gfx), Betoniara (code raytrace edit swap), Bionic (music), Comanche (gfx), Domel (code gfx). Insert left 06/96. Gigant and Opal was kicked 06/96. Fuckir left to be independent 06/96. Heva sold his Amiga and bought a PC 06/96. Traitor! :) Pila, Informer and Flapjack left to be Erotic Design members only 06/96. Coral ----- FIN> Legislator (sysop 'XENOPHOBIA', 11/91). Coral was a Finnish demo group, which didn't release much on the amiga. There was also a pc division later. Fix, Hot and Perfect (all ex Cave) left to join Arise. Pele-Kempex Naks (1991, ECS Intro). Silence Please (1991, 27.07, ECS Intro). Released at The Gathering 91 in Finland. Core Productions (CP) --------------------- SWE> Houbba (Lennart Marklund, code, 07/97), Icon (Andreas Lindquist, code, 07/97). Megadeth joined Alcatraz. · H5 (1997, 25.07, AGA 2MB File). code: Icon, Houbba, gfx: n/a, music: Farmor/NRP. Winner of the ACG Hack V demo competition. review: The names of the coders come spinning slowly at us in the beginning of this dentro, with afterburning on the letters. Next is a very good tunnell routine, which though it doesn't move so amazingly fast looks like it's among the most fluent ones I've seen. Next we're inside a torus, with lots of white and some color bleeding through. Next is another good routine, that I absolutely DO NOT know how to describe. Then a graphics screen show us the credits, which then dissolve into a Core Productions logo. Then the music ends and we are done... The music inside is not bad, but not terribly inspirational either. It can best be described as very standard trance. Overall, a very nice little demo, certainly much better than I anticipated! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Coroner ------- Coroner was formed by Turkish swapper Vigo after he left Bronx. Corpse [fra] (1991-1995) ------------------------ FRA> Nec (founder gfx), SoLO (founder code), Vehrex (founder code) Shiny (gfx), Bulls (gfx music), Ken (code), Pye (music), Terrific (code) There were two groups called Corpse, the second one coming into existence while this incarnation was still around... Corpse [swe] (1994-) -------------------- SWE> Payday (founder swap). ???> Coolorado (founder), Klorathy (founder code), TBM (founder gfx). Corpse was formed by four ex members of X-Trade; Payday, Klorathy, TBM and Coolorado. It is very possible that TBM was later in The Black Lotus. There were two groups called Corpse existing simultaneously, though the French ones were the first to use the name by far... Corrosive --------- Acid and Agent Orange joined Kaos. Cosa Nostra ----------- NOR> Kanniball (Ken Roger Espeland, swap, 11/88-late90). Mosher joined Cinefex. Cosmic Pirates -------------- ???> Bladerunner (doublememb Scum 06/96). Cosmic Woodheads (CW) --------------------- POL> Draw (ascii swap, new early97-early98), Guma (swap, early98). DEN> Drac (doublememb Ambrosia [details], new early97), Raze (Thomas Petersen, music, early98). CW seems to have been a jokey group, with mostly doublemembers from other groups. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" [04/97] reported that Drac joined from Ambrosia as a doublemember, and that Draw (swap) also joined. Cosmos ------ AUT> SSD. Countach (CNT, 1990-) --------------------- GER> Iron Lord (code, 10/90), Joker (trade sysop, 10/90), Melodic Drama (gfx music, 10/90), MOD (tester, 10/90), Norman Bates (gfx swap, 10/90), Rick Dangerous (swap, 10/90). ???> Multi Software Department (10/90). Countach is the name of the cooperation between Aeon and Spirit. The name was assumed on 01/10-90, and the group at that time had 22 members. C.P.U. ------ ???> Franky (mainorg1), Mixer (music trade), Sal One (sysop), Scram, Snuffy, The Relic, Topflight, Woober (crack), Yellow Water (mainorg2), Zeus (trade), Zinko (schq). Boards; BOONDOCKS EHQ, HUSTLERS HELL (rhq), LAST LEGEND (whq), THE LAST INN (shq), THE NORTHERN PALACE (den) Cracker Journal Team -------------------- CJT is the team dedicated to the release of the legendary 'Crack Journal' diskmag. After issue #27, internal unrest in the group Alpha Flight prompted main editor Doctor Mabuse/AFL to take the mag and leave, so that it would not be dependent on any one group. The first independent issue, #28, was released in may of 1992. · Cracker Journal #28 (1992, .05, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: n/a, gfx: Quasar (main), Design (coop title), Renegade (endpic, comic), music: LooneStar, editors: Doctor Mabuse/Alpha Flight, FDT/Venture and Design. review: The mag opens with a small intro, just containing the text CRACKER JOURNAL, over which #28 comes crashing down. Then the mag proper appears, with a good robot picture by D-Sign appearing as the first thing you see. One thing you instantly notice about CJ is the way the mag occupies almost the entire screen; no big, impressive panels here! CJ originated in the illegal part of the scene, and is still heavily linked to this part of the scene. This means that your interest in reading CJ will always be in direct proportion with your interest in that part of the scene. Editorially, this is not a very strong mag either. There is a lot of articles that are just text files from the boards, the English is downright dreadful in places, and one of the articles is nothing but a perverse porno story! This was the middle of 1992, mind you, and people instantly looked to magazines like R.A.W that were intelligible rather than the badly designed articles of CJ. Issue 28 was the first issue to be released 'indendent', after the mag was liberated from its original home in Alpha Flight. Compatibility is another sore point, with the mag responding very badly to keypresses on my A1200 - even after kicking down to 1.3. It can work fine for a while, then suddenly decide to die. No points for guessing this made reviewing a minor nightmare. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Crack Force Five (CFF) ---------------------- SWE> The Big A (code). ???> BTB, Megaman. Formed by The Big A and (Andreas Tadic). CFF joined forces with the cooperation group Triangle, and participated in the making of a few of their demos. CFF later became what is now Phenomena. Crack Inc. (1992-1992) ---------------------- GER> Eurosoft (crack, ex Skid Row), Mike (ex Skid Row), Rudi (founder supply sysop 'THE JAM', ex Skid Row, 92), Selim (founder supply sysop 'THE JAM', ex Skid Row, 92), Subzero (founder music supply, ex Skid Row, 92). ???> French Connection (ex Nemesis, new RAW4), Linebacker (sysop), Skywalker (ex Accession). Crack Inc was formed in early 1992 by the old european members of Skid Row (SSR), and was soon reinforced with some other ex-Skid Row'ers from other groups. When they died at the end of the year, most members formed Ministry with former members of Nemesis and TKK. News that Selim and Subzero left the scene seem to be strongly exaggerated, since they were both later members of Ministry. There were rumours and even news that SSR (Subzero Selim Rudi) joined from Bitstoppers, but it's most likely that this is untrue, and that they were the original founders, coming directly from Skid Row. Their demo subgroup Kaos Design died [see separate entry]. American sysop Micro ('REIGN IN BLOOD', 09/92) left sometime before 12/92. German Munchie (ex Skid Row, new RAW3) joined Ministry. Sysop Lost Religion ('NiRVANA') joined Accession. Swedish trader Magic (ex Vision, new 09/92) was kicked 09/92. ZigZag, the ex-Crystal sysop of 'MAY DAY', joined Scoopex. Cracker Saito (ex Vision Factory) joined Prestige. Crap! ----- Tarl left the Amiga scene, but he bought PC equipment and is still active as a swapper in the PC scene (05/95). Craptors -------- Craptors Crap (1994, 28.12, 40k Intro). 14th in The Party 94 40k intro competition. Crash ----- Turkish coder Astron joined Bronx. Crashead (-1992) ---------------- They kicked all their lazy members, then changed the name of the group to Analogy in the middle of 1992. Crass ----- AUS> Archimedes (gfx, 04-08/92), Gothique (aka Gothic, code gfx, 04-12/92), Itec (gfx, 04-08/92), Mixer (music, 04/92), Phlexor (08/92), Shem (08/92), Stainless Steel Rat (04-12/92). Anarchy Incorporated (1992, .04, ECS Disk). code: Gothic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Winner of the Easter Party 92 (australia) demo competition! Psychosis (1992, .04, ECS File). code: Steel Rat, gfx: Itec, Archimedes, Steel Rat, music: Mixer. 2nd in the Easter Party 92 (australia) demo competition. Parahelion (1992, .12, Disk). code: Gothic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Digital Complexity (1992, .12, Disk). code: Steel Rat, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Craze (CRZ) ----------- SWE> Lussar'n (Linus Larsson, code, ex Rebels new, new late96), Nike (sysop 'INSTANT PLEASURE', 01/95), Omen (code, ex Depth, new late97/early98), Pigeon (code, ex Depth, new late97/early98), Rick (sysop 'CYBER FORCE', 01/95). ???> Antichrist (music, 96), Marwic (swe? modem, 08/95), Mr.Real (music, 12/94), Odie (gfx, 96), Zik (gfx, 96). Boards; EVERYWARE (nor, 02/96). Goatleg (ECS 64k Intro). code: n/a, gfx: Odie, music: Mr.Real. Twisted Colors (1996, autumn, Slideshow). code: Zik, gfx: Odie, music: Antichrist. Crazy (CRZ) ----------- GER> Cyborg (music), Doc Holiday (gfx), Marc (Marcus Kalusche, music, triplememb Sector 7 and Syndrome, 01/97), Phase (swap), Technoking (trade), THCM (code). ???> Midnight (code). Neoplasia mentioned in their intro at The Party 5 that most NPL members had joined Crazy. This means at least these people joined: THCM, Cyborg, Phase, Technoking, Doc Holiday and JCS (doublememb Sector 7). 1996 - Graphician Nefaria was kicked late 96. German swapper Phase left the scene for a while, late 96. Creative Minds -------------- Velocity (2001, 15.04, Demo). Split 6th in the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition. Creator (CRT) ------------- HUN> Abstract, Codex (old handle 7th Son), Cyberdance, Delta MC, Griff, Lord (ex Hyperacidity [no entry]), Robin (code, 10/93-02/94). The entire group joined Surprise! Productions as a subgroup. Strange Features (1992). Creed (1992-) ------------- GER> Deathbone (founder, ex Endless Piracy), Razor, Wild Child. ???> Jason (sysop 'TOON TOWN'). Creed was formed by Anabel and Deathbone from Possessed. According to sources in an article in ROM4, they were both girls. Chrome left. German founer and main organizer Annabel (ex Possessed) left the scene 09/92. Does this mean the end of Creed? Spanish Rose (ECS File). Crest ----- ???> Alpha One (code supply), Cocaine (gfx supply), Infinity (supply), Siriax (code crack supply, doublememb Lightforce, 01/97). Boards; ACID SLAM WHQ (ger, 09/96). Crest is an illegal cracking group. They share their WHQ ACID SLAM with Hellfire and Teklords. Crime Devils ------------ FIN> Adder (Antti, swap), Brandy, PainMaster (swap). NOR> Leo (ex Grace, new 07/92). ???> Infinity (ex 2000 AD). Boards; LIGHT FANTASTIC (eng). Crime Devils are dead; the best members formed Ahead. 1992 - Leo joined the group from Grace, whose Norwegian section had just died. Meddler left. Crimson Jihad (cJ) ------------------ HUN> Lord (sysop 'NUMBER OF THE BEAST', triplememb Absolute! and Impulse). Crimson Jihad is a Hungarian group working to promote the Amiga! Crionics (-1992) ---------------- DEN> Blazer (music, 06/90), Gizwiz (code, ex Kefrens, new 06/90), Grumble (code, 06/90), Madonna Freak (gfx, 06/90), Merlin (gfx music, ex Trilogy, new 06/90), Murphy (code, ex Kefrens, new 06/90), Saxs (code, 06/90), Zycho (code, 06/90). ???> Tronic (music). After having won the demo competition at The Party 1991 with "Hardwired" in cooperation with The Silents, Crionics died in early to mid 1992. The three coders The Spy, Murphy (ex Kefrens, new 06/90) and Deftronic (all 06/90) left to join The Silents on a full time basis. Deftronic released some version of his assembler "Trash'M One" under the Crionics label in 1990-91. Video swapper Marcel was caught by the Police just before they died in 92. Danish musician T.U.S.C. joined Vixen early 92. Neverwhere (1989?, ECS Disk). code: Saxs, The Spy, Murphy, gfx: Zycho, Madonna Freak, usic: Tronic, S.L.L. Megademo (1990, 19.02, ECS Megademo). Released at the Kefrens and Dexion Party. info: NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE BELOW! It seems highly, actually, that Crionics released two demos with the same name! :) · Megademo (1990, 29.06, ECS Megademo). LOA - code: Murphy, Gfx: Zycho (logo), Deftronic (font), music: "Raven" by Blazer. NOI - code: Deftronic, The Spy, gfx: Merlin, music: S.L.L. PIG - code: Grumble, Saxs, gfx: Madonna Freak, music: S.L.L. MAD - code: Saxs, gfx: Madonna Freak, music: S.L.L. 2nd in Amiga Conference 90 demo competition. review: After booting this disk you're faced with a selector for three different demo parts. The selector is pretty basic, with a logo at the top and a text writer in the middle of the screen. In the background you can see some vector objects, which btw are pretty fast on my 030-50 :) For the credits above, please refer to these codes: LOA means loader, in other words the selector itself. This (and only this) part works fine even with caches on. NOI means Noia demo. This is probably the best and biggest part, with lots of advanced (for its time) vector effects and a good sense of pace and entertainment. Please note that the fill routine bugs in some parts. PIG means Pigs in Space. This part consists of just a drawn 'space' background over which we get to see a filled vector scroller. The same fill bug appears here also, albeit to a lesser extent. MAD means The Madonna Endpart. This part excels with its superbly drawn cartoon renditions of Madonna walking through the city. Rather cool! Overall, it's a good production, this, though it seems like it was put together in quite a rush! It's like they got these three demoparts, and just stuck a loader at the beginning, and hey presto we've got a demo! Not bad at all, really. The music by S.L.L lifts it a lot. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- note: Caches off, original chipset. Total Destruction (1990, 28.12, ECS Disk). code: The Spy, Deftronic, gfx: Zycho, music: T.U.S.C. 3rd in the Dexion Party 90 demo competition. Hardwired (1991, 27.12, ECS Trackmo). Cooperation with The Silents, see there. Critters [new] (1990-1990) -------------------------- DEN> Amiga Freak (founder, ex Trilogy). ???> Shadow (founder, ex Black Monks), Spirit (founder, ex Black Monks). Critters was reborn around mid 90, with Amiga Freak/Trilogy, Shadow and Spirit/Black Monks as the intiative takers. They simultaneously announced they would be opening a board in Sweden shortly. However, soon after this the Swedish section left the group, and are now a group in their own right, Scanex [no entry]. The rest of Critters didn't survive long after this, and were dead by august. Crossbones ---------- Zorlac and Bacteria joined Bronx. Crude (CRD) ----------- SWE> Bubba (sysop 'DREAMPHASE', 11/97). Cruelty ------- Turbo and Gamekiller joined Infect. Crusaders (CRS, ---------------------------------------- NOR> Bravestarr (swap, 03/90), Bustman (Trond Omdal, gfx, ex Errors, new 06/90-01/91), Copper (code, 03/90), Dr.Claw (code, 03/90-91), Dr.Outtasight (ex-sysop 'HOME SWEET HOME', 11/89-93), Dr.Shitface (code, 03/90-01/91), El Cubo (Arndt Kubosch, code music, old handle Dr. MD Cub, 11/89-07/91), Eno (code, new 12/90), Excalibur (code, 03/90), Floyd (Andres Lund, 97), Freaky Angel (ex Deadline), Intec (gfx, ex Gate, new 12/90-93), Jason (music, ex The Silents, later Melon, new late92-12/92), Lazerbrain (swap, 03/90-07/91), Madman (code, new 12/90), Mike (Trond Michelsen, ex Deadline, 93-04/97), Nesebuse (gfx, 91), P.Man (gfx), Raven (sysop 'THE GOLDEN GATE', ex Artch, new late90), Rusc (gfx, 03-05/90), Shady (Vegard Skjefstad), Swapperboy (swap, 03/90-01/91), Switchblade (code, 89-93), Zeb (hardware, 03/90), Zuggly (code, 03/90). FIN> Fleshbrain (Seppo Hurme, music, new 02/90-96), Scumbag (trade, 07/91- 03/93). ENG> Nightshade (music, ex Ecstasy, 93). ???> Ohio (gfx, 93). Boards; THE GOLDEN GATE (nor, 11/90-01/91) Crusaders is a legendary group, one of the oldest on the Amiga scene! They became legends for several reasons, really. Their first innovation must have been the creation of the 'music disk'. Yes, that's right: CRS released the very first music disk ever. Second, their Eurochart sparked new life in the scene, spawned about a dozen clones, and gave demo makers another incentive to create great demos. The next thing that happened was when Bjørn A. "Dr.Awesome" Lynne became the first professional composer to come out of the Amiga scene. Then, of course, there's the big one; The GATHERING! TG was originally arranged by The Crusaders, and the main organizer has to this day always been a Crusader. They're still around, though mostly on the PC these days, and not producing much. Their legacy however, is huge. Norwegian sysop Freaky Angel's board 'THE PYRAMID' (earlier 'ANGEL CITY') was busted in the big Norwegian boardbust in 1992. Norwegian coder Black Panther (ex Paragon) joined Talent. Norwegian graphician Yster (03/90-91) left. Guardian (ex United Forces, new mid 91) left. Norwegian swapper Zapotek (ex Gate, new 12/90) left. American graphician and swapper Savatage (03/90) left. American sysop Silencer ('THIS END UP', 03/91) left the scene. Norwegian graphician Funky Guru (ex Gate, new 12/90) left the scene. German sysop Bomber ('PEARL HARBOUR', ex Anarchy, new mid 91) left to join Scoopex. He opened his board while in Crusaders, though. Norwegian sysop Lazerbrain's board 'PURPLE HAZE' was busted in the big Norwegian boarbust in 1992. He was the only one busted who was released immediately, since he had time to run a diskcrypting program before the police seized his equipment, and consequently they didn't find shit on his board. He probably continued to be a member. Norwegian sysop One (old handle Scratcher, ex Fairlight)'s board 'TOTAL PANIC' was busted in the big Norwegian boardbust in 1992. He joined Angels and reopened the board, though under a new name? Norwegian graphician Joachim (ex Marvel/Static Bytes, 93) joined Andromeda (RAW6). ...and perhaps Jason did too? Norwegian swapper ECS (03/90) left and is now independent. Bacteria (ECS Musicdisk). code: El Cubo, gfx: Rusc, music: "Bridge to the Universe Part II", "Make Your Move", "12th Warrior", "No-One Home" by Dr. Awesome, "Who Knows", "Kilimanjaro", "Grave-Yard" by Fleshbrain. info: Caches off with accelerators; still some gfx glitches. Bass-O-Matic (ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks). info: The module loader always had a tendency to bug a little, so it was always a toss up if the module loaded, or the thing just froze on the loading logo. The Calvin & Hobbes stuff was great, 'tho. BBS Intro for Instant Delivery (ECS Intro). Coop with Wizzcat, see there for details. Crusaders Does Genesis (ECS Musicdisk). Audio-X (1989, ECS Musicdisk). code: Switchblade, gfx^music: Dr. Awsome. Information: This is the one with the alphabet cookies and the flapping toilets... 8 tunes. Project; Beat (1989, 24.03, ECS Musicdisk). Released at the IT, Rawhead, The Band, IMP-666 Megaparty. Freekd Out (1989, 14.08, ECS Musicdisk). · Eurochart Top Ten issue #1 (1989, 01.11, ECS File Chart). code: Dr. MD Cub, gfx: Dr.Awesome, music: "Loader" by Dr.Awesome. review: Oh my god, THE FIRST EUROCHART!! This is history. Slagging this off would be sacrilege, surely! Ok, I'll try to be objective about it. The presentation's not much, to be honest. There's a selector screen, where you manouver a large crusifix around with your mouse, to select the section you want. It was a long way from this to what we have today. Trivia note: Ipec Elite were actually the first to do a chart, as the scroller in this production informs us. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Finally got it to work by booting it off a floppy with caches off and chip to old. Mi-Cro Con-Cept (1990, ECS Musicdisk). · Eurochart Top Ten issue #2 (1990, 01.01, ECS File Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: Tilt, music: "Hightop" by Dr.Awesome (4ch MOD format). review: Well, nothing much has changed. Presentation-wise it's pretty much the same as the first issue, though perhaps a little better here and there. The tune is adequate. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Caches off, chipset orig. · Eurochart Top Ten issue #3 (1990, 01.03, ECS File Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: Tilt/independent, Dr.Awesome, P.Man/independent, music: "Polarchase" by Fleshbrain (4ch MOD format). review: With the third issue of the Eurochart, things took a turn for the serious. With a new interface, it looked a lot more professional. Graphics are quite adequate for the most part, and Fleshbrain's music (his first for this group, this was his introduction as a new member) is among his best work ever! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Caches off, chipset original. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. Filled Vectors (1990, .04, ECS Demo). Switchblades Balls (1990, .05, ECS Demo). · Eurochart Top Ten issue #4 (1990, 01.05, ECS File Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: Rusc, P-Man, music: "Beatn The Art" by Dr.Awesome (4ch MOD format). review: Again, nothing much has changed from the previous issue in what we actually see on the screen. One big improvement, though, is the use of percentile to show how many votes each entry got. There's also [new] icons and up/down arrows to signify if this placing is better or worse than the previous one. The tune fails to set me alight, as does the gfx. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Caches off, chipset original. Eurochart Top Ten issue #5 (1990, 01.07, ECS Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. Released at the Amiga Conference 90. Hotwired (1990, .08, ECS Minimusicdisk :). · Eurochart Top Ten issue #6 (1990, 01.09, ECS Multifile Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: Bustman, music: "Tuna Fish" by Dr.Awesome (4ch MOD format). review: This issue looks a lot more like what we got used to later in the life of the EC. The interface stayed pretty much like this in the next issues. A plus also for the graphics, which AFAIK were the first Bustman did for The Crusaders. A nice issue! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Caches off, chipset original. A90 (1990, 02.09, ECS File). code: El Cubo, gfx: P.Man, Bustman, music: Dr.Awesome. info: aka Tabasco demo. Similar to Rebels "Coma" demo and Budbrain's "Kaos" part from their first Megademo. Tobias Richter Slideshow (1990, 06.10, ECS Trackloaded Slideshow, 2 disk). · EuroChart Top Ten issue #7 (1990, 01.11, ECS Multifile Chart). code: El Cubo, gfx: Bustman, music: "Mindstorm" by Fleshbrain (4ch MOD format). review: The name is a little inaccurate from this issue on, as some of the sections now actually represent the TOP TWENTY most popular things. Other than that, there's not a lot to complain about, really. Another good issue, which feels nice and smooth - just like it should be :) The tune is not one of Fleshie's best, though. Works fine even without KillAGA, though the music sounds a little strange sometimes... · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Space Deliria (1990, 08.11, ECS File). code: Excalbiur, gfx: Dr.Awesome, P.Man/indep., Dr.C/Red Sector, music: Dr.Awesome. · Tuff Enuff (1991, ECS Trackmo). code: Dr.Claw, El Cubo, gfx: Yster (animation), Intec (background), Nesebuse (glowing logo), Bustman (earth font), music: "Intromusic 2" and "Flyte" ++ by Dr.Awesome (4ch MOD format). review: Another oldie that doesn't work anymore. As far as I can remember, this one was rather good. The main event, sort of, is an animation of Calvin from the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes, that's rather fun and humourous. I got the credits by ripping a few parts off the disk, but this did not result in ripping EVERYTHING. There are several parts, and I can't remember them all now... Anyway, worth a look if you've got an A500 lying around...or a good, new degrader! · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: It *ALMOST* worked ONCE :) · Eurochart issue #8 (1991, 01.01, ECS Multifile Chartmag). code/editor: El Cubo, Dr. Shitface, gfx: Bustman, music: "Now What???" by Dr. Awesome (4ch ProTracker format). review: The revolution! With issue 8, the Eurochart sported some major overhauls to the code, as well as two full new sections in addition to the charts! The Gallery and EuroNews were born... Graphics by Bustman are some of his best yet, and oh, did I mention the absolutely fabulous tune by Dr. Awesome? I didn't? It's just lovely. It incorporates themes from many of his earlier songs into a sort of medley-type-thing. The 'feel' of the mag also seems improved, it now feels almost perfect. A milestone for the Amiga scene, and a great production any which way you look at it! By the way, the news item about the new Amiga sound chip 'Mary' sounded more like wishful thinking to us ;) Starting this one was the cause of a few hiccups, since it tries to allocate memory at some specific addresses, and newer Amigas do not always have their memory where the old ones did ;) The only real solution I found was to boot without caches, chipset original, and without startup-sequence. Then the mag ran perfectly from my harddisk :) · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: See review for details. · Eurochart issue #11 (1991, 01.07, ECS Multifile Chartmag). code/editor: El Cubo, gfx: Intec, music: "Neodrink" by Fleshbrain (4ch ProTracker format). review: Legendary doesn't quite cover it when it comes to the EC. It was a milestone of the scene, and gave coders, painters and composers everywhere a new incentive to get better. This issue is certainly not the worst, with acceptable graphics from Intec and OK music by Fleshbrain. One thing that I found cool about the EC was that they had new graphics for every issue. They had the (basically) same code, but there were always a new design on the control board. This is not the best one, neither is it the worst. This issue marks the arrival of a new editor, since Dr.Awesome decided he want to leave the scene. During testing the mag has proven somewhat unstable on my accelerated system. I have found it works best when run from disk. When installing to harddisk, or running from RAM:, it seems it has problems with the loading taking too little time, and often crashes. KillAGA has no positive effect when run from hard or RAM, and isn't necessary for disk running. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Eurochart issue #14 (ECS Chartmag). info: This was the last issue released by Crusaders before they officially closed down the project. Lots of groups got in touch to continue doing the work, and ultimately the danes in Static Bytes were chosen to continue the legacy. Therefore, issue #15 was an STB product. The Gathering 92 Invitation (1992, early .01, ECS Intro). Cooperation with Deadline. · The Gathering 92 Reminder (1992, early, ECS File). code: Switchblade, gfx: various, music: "Prophet 2001" by Bjørn A. 'Dr. Awesome' Lynne (4ch MOD format).. review: A simple little intro-demo this, to remind people to go to The Gathering in 1992. Enough people must have been reminded, 'cause it's still being arranged every easter :) I'll have to base this review largely on memory, 'cause the introduction, where some good pictures are shown, just FLASHES by on my machine :) Oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for accelerating :D It opens with some cool strings, the opening bars of Bjørn Lynne's fabulous soundtrack. Then, as the tune takes a turn for the heavier with a guitar riff, we're shown some pictures of earlier productions and some humourous text ('You've seen the flapping toilets... now come to the party!'). Then you're shown some pages of text, and... Nothing more happens. It's not going to set the world alight with it's awesome code, but it's still GOOD in its own way.. Worth getting for the tune. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: While it works perfectly, the intro sequence is too fast to see what's going on! · The Gathering 93 Invitation (1993, early, ECS 1MB File). code: Switchblade, gfx: Intec (blow-up logo), Joachim, music: "Minimum_ Penetration" by Jason (4ch MOD format). review: This year the Crusaders presented a very good invitation intro for The Gathering, with some new ideas. The show opens with some guy pumping a Crusaders logo full of air, and then goofily alking across the screen. The invititation part itself is very easy to control, with a set of icons with text on them in the middle of the screen to click on. Most of them will take you to a page of text - you can also just flip through all the text with your cursor keys - while some also have some extra functions. One really nice thing is the aforementioned 'tour of the hall' part, where you control a little...err...animal-thing :) around a blueprint of the hall, and the various areas are explained as you get to them. A really nice, new idea! A top-notch invitation intro with a good sense of humour! The intro requires almost all of chipmem on a 512k chip machine, and 300k of some other ram. It therefore needs at least 1mb total mem. though it worked fine on my 030 machine, it did run WAY too fast. For example, the 'tour of the hall' part was almost uncontrollable, and some of the intermission screens flashed by before I was able to read what was on them. A dose of KillAGA fixes everything, though. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Crush ----- NOR> Genious, Howling, Sciff. ???> Amhac, Beathoven, Black Devil, Cherokee, Draco, Firestone, Flash Fox 66, Gissy, Milk, Miraculix, Smokey, Tigra, Tronny Rotten, Wizzy. Several of these names look awful familiar...Sciff was later in Alive, before he changed his handle to Crimson and joined Compact. Tronny Rotten was also in Alive, and Flash Fox painted for Razor 1911 for a while... The Wall (1989, .02, ECS File). Crux (CRX) ---------- GER> Evrimsson (music, ex Illusion, new early97), Grace (code, ex Illusion, new early97), Zulu and Grey (Oliver Vogel and Tobias Schaechtelin, code, ex Essence). FRA> Clary (gfx, doublememb Drifters), Tof (gfx, doublememb Drifters). NOR> Kingpin (sysop 'CHECKPOINT', memb of Spaceballs [details], LSD and Motion!, new mid95). DEN> Enzo (sysop 'SKY TOWER' EHQ, 10/95). ???> Acid-Jesus (music), AMusic (music), Beast, Biztro, Cess, Chromag (music), Cockroach (code), Crisp (code), Crocodile, Cueball (raytrace), Decybel (music, new 12/97), Dexter (music), Excess (raytrace), Exeron, Felon, Fury, gdm, Golden Hell (raytrace), Interphase, Juan, Madboy, Madmax, Makno (gfx, new 12/97), Maniac (music), Muse (music), Nike (nor? Triplememb TRSI and Delight, 02/96), Odin (gfx), Orion, Orlando, Patrician, Pows of TCB, Psychotron (code), Santa Claus (gfx, new 12/97), Screem, Shane & Sid (org's sid: code, 95-01/96), Snake, The Frog Buds (coders gfx'ers musicians), Tyrell, Ufok, U-Man (nor? doublememb Whale, 02/96), Van Helsing (code), Zinko. Boards; ACENTRAL (internet), DIAL HARD WHQ (swi, 95), CIVIL WAR EHQ (swi, 95), FLYING CIRCUS (demohq), CYBERGARDEN (bel), FORGOTTEN WORLD (hol), HARD DISK CAFE (fin), INSEKTZ IN SPACE (pcwhq), PARADISE LOST (ger), PLASTIC DREAMS (ger), PURPLE DREAM (distsite), REALM OF CHAOS (swe), THE CASTLE (distsite), BLACK HOLE (serb, 95), CYCLONE (hol, 95), DEEP THOUGHT (fin, 95), WEYLAND YUTANI (swi distsite, 95). Crux was formed by its main organizer Shane not with the intention of being a cracking group only, but also with a demo section. The demo section was dubbed "Crux Design", and was officially started around 1997. They recruited great demo reinforcements in the old Rebels coders Zulu & Grey, after they had been inactive on the scene for some months, which in their time were responsible for such classics as "Switchback" [10/94] and "Whammer Slammer" [12/94] for Rebels. Unusually enough, they have TWO subgroups; The Frog Buds (TFB) and Dylem. They were at one time in (illegal) cooperation with Bad Karma, using the acronym CBK (Crux Bad Karma). There were rumours that the illegal Crux DIED, leaving only the demo section, "Crux Design" active. Can anyone confirm or deny this? 1996 - Swedish Excel (doublememb) left to be in Balance only 06/96. 1997 - Artwork's "Generation #24" reported that germans Grace (code) and Evrimsson (music) joined from Illusion, that Halikone, Sear and Pit left the group, that swedish Newt (gfx) left to be an Abyss member only [this actually happened 10/96], · Batteries 1997 - Party NOT Included (1997, 28.12, 40k Intro). 6th in The Party 97 40k intro competition. review: I think it's a sure bet that this would never even approach the placement it got if it hadn't been for its theme - The Party 7 power failures. It treats the theme with a certain sense of humour that I'm sure made many an attendee laugh when it was shown on the big screen. And at the end it tacks on an advertisement for Mekka Symposium 1998 ;) The only real effect is the bumpmap on the opening part. I guess you had to be there. No credits appear. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Cryonics -------- Another PC group moves to the Amiga! They have nothing to do with the old legendary group Crionics. CryoZone (CZE, 1995-) --------------------- SWE> Ash (gfx, 03-04/95), Conan (gfx, 03-04/95), Dr.M (code, 03-04/95), Goof (sysop, 03/95), Mongoloid (code, 03/95), Quorion (gfx, 03-04/95), Rooster (trade, 03/95), Scavenger (sysop, 03/95), Toxagon (music, 03- 04/95), Ztroobey (sysop, 03/95). Boards; DEFENSE STATION (swe), METROPOL (swe), EVEREST (swe), NUCLEAR PEPSI (swe). CryoZone is based in Sweden, and "Germicide" was their first production. · Germicide (1995, 01.04, ECS 40k Intro). code: Dr.M, gfx: Qourion (logo), Ash (font), Conan (logo), music: Toxagon. Winner of the Virtual Conspiracy 95 40k intro competition! review: What? This won? How this could possibly beat C-Lous' "Time Square" I will never know. Appalling. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Crypt ----- NOR> Byte Prisoner (Kjell Inge Alsvik, swap, 12/90), Rainbow Painter (gfx, 12/90), Scape (gfx, new 12/90), Sex Angel (12/90), The Ancient Mariner (music, 12/90), The Little Giant (12/90), The Plastic Priest (code, 12/90). Crypt were a Norwegian demo group. · B.F.D. (1990, 28.12, ECS File). code: The Plastic Priest, gfx: Rainbow Painter, Scape, music: The Ancient Mariner. 3rd in the Theatre and Network party demo competition. review: Compatibility wise, this demo doesn't do so well. It will work for a short while with KillAGA, but crashes on the second vertical raster part. Therefore it's hard to judge the demo as a whole, since I haven't seen it all :-( The name means 'Berre Fuck Deg', which is pseudo- Norwegian for 'Go Fuck Yourself'. Charming. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. -- Note: See review. Cryptoburners (CRB, 1988-) -------------------------- NOR> Aggressor (Espen Hagen, 91), Bimbex (swap, 88-01/90), Blackstar (music editor, 88-01/91), Bugbear (gfx, 03/90-01/91), Darkstar (Hans Arild Runde, music, ex IT, old handle Gladiator, new 05-10/90), IT (sysop 'HOME ALONE' WHQ, doublememb Banana Dezign), Jackmix (08/90-01/91), Keo (music, 06/90), Krest (Bjarte Andreassen, music), Kylerion (90), Nikki (sysop 'MIDGARD'), Olorin (code, 04/93), Oscon (code, 06/90-01/91), Pitcher (sysop 'HOTTER THAN HELL', ex Fraxion), Rank (gfx, 04/93), Rhesus Minus (Trond Hasse Lie, music, 06-01/91), Skywalker (Karl Bryhn, gfx, ex Rebels), Tec (Steinar Midtskogen, code, ex IT, new 05-12/90 Time Traveller (Geir Rune Ladehaug, music, 88-03/90), Trixal (Jostein Dahl Gjelsvik, gfx music, 88-04/94), Vectorman (code, 01/90), Vortex (Oddgeir Hvidsten, music, 04/93-04/94), Windwalker (founder, 88-90). FRA> Doh (Nicholas Desessart, music, 09/93-04/94), Miss Blind (faxop, ex Dark Demons), Q.Horse (code, ex Dark Demons), Synchrose (code, ex Dark Demons), Witness (Olivier Nottegheim, code, ex Dark Demons, 09/93-04/94). GER> Deicide (Stefan Wilholm, ex Masque, 93). HOL> Cloud (M. Mosselman, swap, ex Desire), Solid (Jeroen Dreschler, gfx, ex Desire, 12/93-04/94). FIN> Crown (Jean-Baptiste Garnier, gfx music swap, ex Dark Demons, 93-00), Split (sysop 'SPLIT SECOND'). ENG> U4IA (Jim Young, music). ???> Antony (fra? gfx, 04/94), Blaze (ex Amonia), Tom (ex Amonia), #dff180 (ex Amonia). Cryptoburners was formed in 1988 by by two earlier C64 groups, going under the names Scandomatic Crackers and TWCA. The original founders were Windwalker and Heatseeker, but they immediately recruited Trixal, Time Traveller, Blackstar and Bimbex. For a while, they released the diskmag 'Fourth Dimension'. It is worth mentioning that several leading members of Cryptoburners were involved in starting the gamemaking firm FunCom in Oslo, Norway. People like Tec, Vishnu and Olorin were and are heavily involved in the leader- ship of the company. Unlike stated in RAW #2, Vectorman was NOT kicked due to inactivity. 1989 - In August the entire group Ghostriders joined. 1992 - Norwegian sysop Chameleon ('CREEPSHOW') was busted in 92. 1994 - This year the entire group Dark Demons were recruited as a French section, and they released a few productions for them. Their originally French member Crown moved to Finland, but remains a member. Norwegian founder, coder and graphician Heatseeker (88-04/94) is now in Melon Dezign. Norwegian graphicians BCR and Dali joined Stone Arts. German coder duo Zulu (ex Devils) and Grey (ex Dark Star) joined DCS. Ceel (ex Devils) was kicked, and is now in Surprise! Productions. Crescendo is no longer a member (pre 01/91). Legendary norwegian musician Walkman (Tor Bernhard Gausen, ex It, new 05/90) left the scene. Megademo (ECS Megademo). Time Traveller's Music 1 (ECS Musicdisk). Crimetime (1988, 09.10, ECS Demo). 2nd in the Razor 1911, The Cartel, Abnormal party demo competition. Great Muzax #5 (1989, ECS Musicdisk). info: Music compilation featuring music by Bit Arts, Gladiator, Codex, Frederic Hahn, IQ, Hattrick and some others. Wild Bunch (1989, 24.06, ECS Demo). Winner of the demo competition at the It and Razor 1911 Party. Musicparty 1990 (1990, 05.01, ECS Musicdisk). Released at the Phenomena and Censor Party 90. · Drammen Party Invitation (1990, .03, ECS File). code: Tec/It, gfx: Bugbear, music: Timetraveller and Blackstar. Invitation for the Cryptoburners, IT and Visual Bytes party. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. Note: Crashes on exit. A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. Note: Does NOT work, crashes. KillAGA has no effect. Megademo II (1990, 08.06, ECS Mega). code: Heatseeker, Tec, Oscon, gfx: Heatseeker, music: Gladiator, Keo, Rhesus Minus, Trixal, Walkman, Blackstar. Materialized (1990, .10, ECS Demo). The Hunt For 7th October (1990, .10, ECS File). code: Tec, gfx: n/a, music: "Klisje på Klisje" by Walkman. Winner of demo competition at No Limits and Imp-666 Party 90. info: Noteworthy as one of the most incompatible demos ever (my friend Slummy/Spaceballs once remarked that it seemed to make a difference whether his refrigerator door was open or not ;). Should work pretty much correctly on a "vanilla" A500 with 1.3, but then again... Fourth Dimension 4 Intro (1990, 10.10, ECS Intro). code/gfx: Tec, music: Gladiator. · Third Dimension (1990, 28.12, ECS File). code: Tec, gfx: Heatseeker, Bugbear, Tec, music: Rhesus Minus. 2nd in the Theatre and Network Party demo competition. · GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. note: Does NOT work. Crashes on running. · Fourth Dimension #5 (1991, 30.01, ECS Multifile Diskmag). INT - code: Sector9/Razor 1911, gfx: Sector9/Razor 1911, music: Mantronix/Razor 1911. MAG - code: Vectorman, gfx: Heatseeker, music: "Spiritual Freedom" by Blackstar and Trixal. Cooperation with Razor 1911. review: For the first time, this issue of Fourth Dimension was a cooperation release, incorporating Razor 1911 into the team. Their contributions to the mag itself seems scarce, though, probably the best aspect of their contribution is the nice intro and a couple of articles by Sector9 and Ziphoid. What's more, the next issue promises to add another member to the team: Rebels. So, what do I think of the mag itself? At half the amount of articles, this would be a good mag. As it is now, however, there are simply WAY too many 'humoristic' articles and cartoons, of no interest to anyone but the producers themselves. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. Bergen Music Intro (1991?, Intro). Revelations (1993, 07.04, ECS Slideshow). code: Olorin, gfx: Rank, music: Vortex, Trixal. Released at The Gathering 93. F.L.A.N. (1993, 03.09, ECS Intro). Code: Witness, Gfx: Feyd/DLT, Music: Doh. Released at Saturne Party 93. · Brain-State-In-A-Box (1994, 03.04, AGA File). code: Heatseeker, gfx: Trixal, music: Vortex. 2nd in The Gathering 94 demo competition. info: Requires fast, 030-25mhz recommended. · Crash Test (1994, 03.04, ECS Trackmo). code: Witness, gfx: Solid, Antony, music: Doh. 5th in The Gathering 94 demo competition. · GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. · Toothbrush - The Trilogy Part III (1994, 27.12, AGA Multifile). Cooperation with Dreamdealers, see there. Crystal (CSL) ------------- ENG> 2Tuff (supply), Megadrive (sysop 'LIVING HELL'), Scott (sysop 'DULCET TONES' EHQ, ex Angels old, 05/92), Scrote (sysop 'THE KRYPT'/'THE OASIS', 05/92), Tutoff (aka 2Tuff? supply, was once Spidey/Agile). SWE> Alis (sysop 'ANOTHER WORLD', ex D-Mob), Frosty (ex D-Mob), Uzi-U (ex D-Mob). GER> Irie, Malzam (sysop 'REIGN IN BLOOD', 01/91), Secret (sysop 'TECHNOPOLIS' opened 03/92, 03-05/92), Tron and Cenobites (sysops 'SPEEDBIT', ex Aspect). FRA> Traitor (ex Alliance Design). SCO> Mr.E (Rob, crack, ex Angels old). ITA> Gulliver (sysop 'HEAVENS DOOR'), Zaracon (sysop 'ANCIENT DREAMS', 05/92). HOL> Outlander. NOR> Phonebilly (sysop 'ELEGANT MACHINERY', ex Fairlight, new 09/92). USA> Paradise King (sysop 'BEYOND PARADISE', 05/92), Professor (sysop 'ICE STATION ZEBRA', 92), Q (sysop 'REALM OF CHAOS'), Reet-Mon (sysop 'CENTRUM'), Swayzar (trade sysop 'PRIMITIVE FUTURE WHQ (usa, 09/91- 05/92), Toxicman (sysop 'APOCALYPSE'). ???> Buster, Creon (sysop 'DIGITAL DREAM', ex Possessed, new 09/92), Diabolik, Firefox (ger? trade, 01/91), I.B.M (crack, ex Angels old, 92), Ice Cube, Kamenski (ex Scoopex), Misfit (early92), Mr.Hell (ex Skid Row, new 09/92), Mr.Scarface, Overlord, P.O.W, Protektor (ger? cosysop 'WORLD DOWN FALL', ex Abyss, new 09/92-93), Saint, Scorch, Sledge (ex Adept), The Staff, Timdog (console, doublememb Alpha Flight), Tripwire (supply, ex Vision), Winger (ex Scoopex), Zippy (crack). Boards; PIRATE'S HAVEN (usa, later Fusion, 08/93), AMIGA EAST (usa), DIGITAL EXPRESSION (usa), WRECK HOUSE (usa), ESCAPE ZONE (usa), PLEASURE POINT (usa), MOTHERBOARD (usa), SPACE PALACE (ger, 05/92), THE SOFTWARE HOUSE (den). Crystal was one of, if not THE, biggest cracker group for a while, pretty much ruling that part of the scene together with Skid Row. They were a cracker group, and as such didn't output a lot of demos, though they had some great crackintros produced for them by their subgroup at one time, Melon Dezign. Melon left them mid to late 93 to exist as a group in their own respect. Some of those cracktros can be found for review under Melon's section in Scenery. There is some confusion around the 'OASIS' boards; in addition to the information above, I also have a bbs ad and other supporting information that reads sysop: Dan/Crystal... Crystal is dead! Tango/Defekt joined, but left to join Balance. Cardinal (ger? ex Abyss, cosysop 'WORLD DOWN FALL', new 09/92) left for Interpol. It is unclear where this left 'WDF', where he was cosys with Protektor. 'BLACK TOWER' was closed forever, reported Eternal #2. This may be a misprint, so that they actually meant Rash' 'DARK TOWER'... 'EDGE OF INSANITY' was busted 93, and will go offline forever! German Fulcrum (new late 92) joined, but left due to differences with Cardinal and Protektor. German swapper Ghost (ex Submission) joined Dytec. English board 'GRACELAND' (05/92) joined from Ghost briefly, and then left the scene. Swedish sysop Princip ('INTERCHANGE', ex Shining 8, new 09/92) soon joined Kefrens. sysop ZigZag ('MAY DAY', ex Symbiosis, new 09/92) joined Crack Inc, but soon went on to join Scoopex. DD7 (sysop '100 PERCENT') joined 2000 AD and opened 'VALHALLA' BBS with Ozzy. Scottish supplier Action Man had a falling out with I.B.M. over Zelnik, and subsequently he, Infiltrator, N.O.M.A.D (ex Angels old or Scoopex) and Zelnik left for Quartex (91). Bit Bug left. Morph rejoined Dual Crew. Navigator joined Tarkus Team. Sysop Rash ('DARK TOWER') joined from Zenith mid to late 93, but left the scene after a brief period. German cracker Bob Duncan is now in Bismarck. Cult (-1992) ------------ DEN> Caveman (gfx, ex Light), Chrome (sysop 'INSOMNIA'), Steel (code, ex Light), Tarzan (Peter Nielsen, swap sysop 'PLASTIC PASSION', ex Light, later 2000 AD, 92). GER> Chromag (Timm Albers, music, later Essence, 12/92), Cronos (sysop 'DAMAGE INC.', 10/91), Groucho, Razor (old handle Genestealer), Tex. FIN> Dick, Questron, Sagan, Witch, Zodiak. ???> Chase (code, 12/92), Cooper (ger?, 92), Death Hawk, DJ Head (ex Vogue), Dr.Legal (ex RAF, new mid91), Droid (den? music, 92), Jacx (music, 12/92), Magic Duke (ger? music, later G.T.O/Digital, 92), Max (ex The Dark Demon, old handle Cruncher, new SLH11), MCM (ger? 92), Predator (gfx, 12/92), Ray (code, 12/92), Red Lance, Trance. Boards; SANCTUARY (den, 91). Action Force changed its name to Cult, and that's how this group was born. They're mainly remembered for their demos now. 1990 - The Norwegian section fell apart in late 1990 (probably december); Beast, Skeletor, Mad, SwEinstein and Yoghurt (old handle Acidman) all joined Network; Timewalker (music) joined Pure Metal Coders; Space Ace (swap, late90) changed his handle to Mr.Ice and formed a norwegian section of Euphoria, and finally Electrix and three others will form a new group. 1992 - Around the middle of the year, danish sysop Energy ('NONSTOP UP'N DOWN') left the group for 2000 A.D. Danish Gizmo left to join Bastards ca 06/92. Danes Dino (gfx), Slide (music), Mount (gfx), Easley (gfx swap), Shayera and Gargoyle (code) all left to form Parasite 06/92. News in both EuroChart #15 [07/92] and #16 [09/92] seem to confirm Cult's death. It is claimed this is in agreement with both the German and Danish sections of the group. What confuses me somewhat is how they could release "Kefmania" [09/92] if they were dead at the time? German sysop Hotstar ('THE NEW STATION', ex RAF) joined Rebels. Dutch editor Cybersonik joined Anarchy. Cybersonik left behind a few issues as editor of 'Royal Info'. It is probable that no more issues were released after Cybersonik left. Danish coder and musician Kollaps (ex Light, 92) left to help form the new group Focus Design. Megademo (1990, .03, 1MB Disk). BBS Intro (1992, early, ECS Intro). code: Kollaps, gfx: Mr.Mount, Tarzan, music: Droid. So Simple (1992, 15.04, Demo). 6th in The Gathering 92 demo competition. Kefmania (1992, 28.12, ECS Disk, 2 disks). code: Ray, Chase, gfx: Predator, music: Jacx, Chromag. 7th in The Party 92 demo competition. info: To run on A1200, you need to turn the cache off, and set the original chipset - and it will still crash before disk 2. Culture ------- FIN> Dalos (Pasi Rainio, swap, 09/92), SS Soldier (swap). Curacy ------ DEN> Ajax (Martin Jacobsen, swap, ex Vendetta Prod. ad X-Tra), Foxtrot (swap, 09/92), Trigon (Lars Kim Lund, code, 05/92). Trigon wrote the utility Flashminator, which removes the 'flashing' from several executable depackers. Antex joined Orient. Rookie's Delight (ECS Demo). Cyanide (1993-1993) ------------------- HOL> Baby Joe and Dr.Love (music), Daddy 2 Foot (gfx music), Elessar (swap), Poison (swap), Quazar (org code, 03/93). ???> Ace, Haywire (music, ex Intense, new mid93), Nico (code, 03/93), TDD, TLC. Boards; CONSPIRACY WHQ (n-l). Cyanide was a Dutch demo group. 1993 - German musician Dynamite joined Analog 03/93. Murdock joined Jetset mid 93. Cyanide died late 1993, and all Dutch members joined Applause. This means at least Radium (gfx music, 03/93) and Sascha. TLE left the scene. Tommie, sysop 'SESAMESTRAAT' joined Desire. Englishmen Psi and St.M, as well as the american Caffeine joined Eclipse. Dutch swappers Magic (ex Xentrix) and Amethist (both 08/93) joined Applause. · 45 Degrees (1993, .03, ECS Intro). code: Quazar, gfx: Quazar (raytrace), Radium (logo), music: Radium. review: Their first intro, having gained its name by the angle of the text plotter :) · GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0. Booztro (1993, 08.03, ECS File). code: Nico, Kernal/TKOB, gfx: Kernal/TKOB, Chaos/TKOB, music: Dynamite. Cooperation with TKOB. Cyberactive ----------- Slick joined Anarchy. Dark, Iceberg and Cujo joined Desire. Sysop Jack ('DETONATION BOULEVARD') joined LSD. CyberDreams ----------- ENG> Kei (mainorg code gfx swap pack). ???> Aztec (code music modem), Chazzy B (gfx swap), Curse (gfx swap), DJ (swap), Eon (swap), Hijaak (swap), Hobbit (swap), Kbx128 (music), Kooky (code swap), Merrdyn (sysop 'CYBERDREAM'), Mythos (music swap), Rac (swap modem), Slate (gfx swap), Wraith (code gfx modem). CyberDreams took over the UK group Calypso and all remaining members joined in late 1993. Cyberdyne --------- ???> Cuz (trade, ex X-Trade, new 94). CyberForce ---------- GER> 2Fast (Jens, ascii, doublememb Cream [console], 08/95). Cyberiad -------- FIN> Cocatrice (gfx, 04/92), Cody, Zei-El (gfx, 04/92). Cyberiad later merged with Carillon into Carillon Cyberiad (CNCD), which means most of the members above can later be found in that group. Accurate information on exactly WHO made it across would be greatly appreciated :) Some confirmed ones, however, are Fraction (code, 04/92), Dean (music, 04/92) and Prime Premium (gfx music, 04/92). Drifter joined Complex. · Great Bytes in Fire (1992, 15.04, ECS Trackmo). code: Fraction, gfx: Dean, Zei-El, Cockatrice, Prime Premium, music: Dean (NoisePacker 3 format). 5th in The Gathering 92 demo competition. · GLE tested A500 /000-7 /½mb chip, ½mb fast/2.04. A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04. Note: Works fine once it gets going, but doesn't always boot past the loading picture. A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Note: Works until the text Crusaders Deadline Gathering '92 appears, then crashes. Perhaps it's a little unstable at this point, it could be the same problem ADL had [below]. Cyborgs ------- NOR> Dark Pirate, Highlight (Tommy Foss, org swap, later Decnite). ???> Darkman (swap, ex Beast/Bronx). Despite strong rumours, Cyborgs did NOT die in late 92 or early 93. There was also an Atari division. Absent joined Atomic early 93. Mr.Magic and Jim joined Awe early 93. Xandu, Jinx and Micro left the scene early 93. Norwegian graphician Tranze joined Legacy. Cyborx (1992-) -------------- GER> Aliex (ex Exort, new 09/92), Dytec (09/92), Gonso (ex Atinox, new mid91), Nightmare (ex Atinox, new mid91), Time Thrust, TSA. ???> Stingray. Cyborx are a German demo group, born late 1992. Smash and Agent Orange joined Arise. Doomsday (Demo). Cyclone ------- French group who arranged a party in 1991. Cycron ------ DEN> Tama (music, 12/90). NOR> Camelot (Espen O. Pedersen, ex Theatre, new 12/90). Norwegian Punisher joined Energy. Cydonia (CDN, ------------------------------------------- AUS> Accolyte (code, 09/95-03/96), Bonza (sysop 'SYNDICATE', 09/95), Coolcat (gfx, 09/95), Cro (code swap, 09/95-96), Eminence (music, 09/95), Infinity (gfx music, 09/95-03/96), Krion (code sysop 'LUCID DREAMS', 09/95-96), Muse (music sysop), Prowler (swap sysop 'TWISTED DREAMS' WHQ, 09/95-12/97), Serkul (music, 09/95), Snykers (gfx, 09/95), Souri (gfx, 09/95), Storm (David Carson, code html, 09/95). Capricorn One (ECS Trackmo). Defy Issue #1 (ECS Diskmag). Defy Issue #2 (ECS Diskmag). Defy Issue #3 (ECS Diskmag). Explora (ECS only). Homy (ECS). Models Inc. (AGA). Phobos (ECS) Red Planet (ECS). Syndicate (ECS). · ReRun! (1995, 24.09, Intro). code: Cro, Extremist/ex-CDN, Drift/ex-CDN, gfx: Souri, Infinity, Cro, music: Deadlock/Slam! The only demo released at Project '95. review: The show opens with a flame effect in REAL bad resolution. It looks like one of those textmode demos on the PC! Next we're shown three pics - or patterns - that are calculated as we watch. Hardly exciting stuff, people! Next there's a zoomed and texturemapped cube...Chaos did this in 1992! Not very interesting, I'm afraid. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. Dreams (1996, .03, Slideshow). code: Acolyte, gfx/music: Infinity. Defy issue #6 (1996, Autumn, Diskmag). editor: Cro, Code: Krion. Cytax (CTX, -1992) ------------------ GER> Amphetamine, Black Ghost and Stargrove (sysops 'LUCKY STRIKE' WHQ, 10/91), Dr.True (new mid91), EC-Rider (music), Etron (ex Alpha Flight), Leo (01/90), Terminator X (swap, ex System 5, new late90), The Mage (code). SWE> Jinsey (sysop 'CYBERSPACE'), Kaka (sysop), Sooga, Tesh, Wizzo (ex Reflectors). NOR> Drum Tex (ex Exit, new mid91), Tex (new mid91). FIN> Coroner (sysop). ENG> 4-Koff. USA> M.Bison (sysop 'MAXXED OUT', 05/92). ???> Cro Magx, Dr.Zook, Horizon (new early92), Ian (ex Dytec, new early92), Joker (ex Anthrox, new early92), Ken (gfx, 92), Shockwave, Starman (music), Techno Priest (ex Pirates), Tom Poison, Warlock (ex Antiriad). Boards; FLOODLAND (swe), MIDNIGHT SUN (swe). Cytax was a german based demo group, which died late 1992. They will be most fondly remembered for their excellent diskmag 'International Computer Entertainment' (I.C.E.). The last issue or two of the mag was detached from Cytax, and released as an independent production. 1992 - Zed joined Slipstream 09/92. Germans Bros and Master (both new mid91) left to join The Silents 09/92. Swedish musician and swapper Noice (ex Antiriad, old handle Lucky Strike, 06/92) and female swapper Wiquie joined Polaris 09/92. Torwak was kicked. Maltese writer Cyber Pirate joined Pure Metal Coders, to be one of the writers for their legendary diskmag 'R.A.W'. Parsec (had board, but closed), Flogger, Thunor and Rainbow joined Voice. 4T Thieves joined Alcatraz. Swedish sysop Princip ('INTERCHANGE') joined Kefrens. Norwegian swapper Moxy (new mid 91) joined Offence. Gadget (ex Airwalk) left due to internal problems and joined Palace for two days, though some sources claim he went directly to New Wave. Monochrome Megalomania (ECS File). I.C.E issue #3 Intro (ECS Intro). info: Needs cache OFF, OCS Chipset ON. I.C.E issue #4 (ECS Diskmag). I.C.E issue #5 (1991, mid?, Diskmag). I.C.E issue #6 (ECS Diskmag). I.C.E issue #7 (ECS Diskmag). ???> Amphetamine, Blackghost, Ken (gfx), Decre (gfx), Leo. · I.C.E issue #8 (1992, ca.05, ECS Multifile Diskmag). code: The Mage/independent, gfx: Ken (title), Decre (icons, headline fonts, clips), Mithrandir/Acme (clips), Nana (cartoons), music: Rhesus Minus/Cryptoburners, editors: Leo, Blackghost, Amphetamine, The Mage/independent. review: The first things this mag shows you is a single screen of a copyright notice, then a really great fantasy HAM title picture by Ken. First impressions of the mag itself isn't bad either, with a small but great ICE clipart logo and big and small fonts... The control panel is hardly stunning, but more than functional. ICE is based in Germany, but with some international cooperatives. They do claim it's no longer a pure Cytax production (the editorial even criticizes the group's lack of activity), but the production roster still contains so many Cytax members I think it's most correct to list even this issue under Cytax. The release date is a little uncertain, but it is around may or june of 1992. The news section carried the news that Horizon, Ian/Dytec and Joker/Anthrox had joined. · GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: See review!